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Debate Score:20
Total Votes:26
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Atrag(5666) pic

Will the human race evolve to be more stupid?

The idea of natural selection is that the best adapted breed more and therefore multiple faster than those that aren't. It seems to be that professional people tend to wait longer to have children, and therefore have fewer, than people that either don't work or are in lower paid jobs. Assuming that the professional people have a IQ higher than that of those that do less highly trained jobs, does it logically follow that those will a lower IQ will eventually outnumber those with higher IQs so much that the average will start to decrease? This is assuming that IQ is heritary - as I believe at least in part it is.


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 8
1 point

No but, we could be come most unintelligent by other means like fluoridated water and mercury toxicity. In essence not a natural evolution yet, still a path we have to folllow.

Side: Yes
0 points

just look around CD how many creatards are there .............

Side: Yes
-1 points

This could totally happen. Look at the movie Idiocracy.

Side: Yes
0 points

Aww man, I got downvoted. I thought the movie was funny.

Side: Yes

This is also assuming that IQ is a good measure of intelligence.

Side: No
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

I guess I was saying IQ to be synonymous with intelligence. But you're right maybe IQ isn't the best measure.

Side: Yes

Devolution is almost impossible because of humans must continually adapt to survive.

Side: No
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Birds become flightless when there is no threat to their survival. This is due to the fact that flying wings require a lot of "energy". Human intelligence should require a lot of "energy" as well. If it becomes easier to survive without intelligence it is possible to lose intelligence in favor of reproducing.

Side: Yes
1 point

Birds becoming flightless is not devolution, it is still evolution because evolution includes changes in all traits. Also, how would survival became easier without intelligence? That would be impossible.

Side: No
link6065(740) Disputed
1 point

on the contrary, humans are the least adaptive species. couldnt hold a candle to a bacterium or virus.

Side: Yes

Lazier yes, but stupid? No.

Due to an unending barrage of trickery, backstabbing and scams, we became more and more skeptical of everyone and became wiser in the trade of words.

A fools choice to view the world as evil. But its a necessity if you wish to live

Side: No

Six hundred years ago to today. Is the human race more stupid then it was six hundred years ago? No, the human race is smarter.

Older people tend to believe that people are getting more stupid due to the rapid change in beliefs and values in the past few years. The idea that people get less intelligent with each generation is purely fictitious. Proof; why is technology and society still advancing? A thousand years ago you would be stoned for saying god isn't real, today it is accepted by many that god's existence is impossible.

Side: No