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Demon_Hunter(635) pic

Yahweh based on Pagan Sky God

Some street corner Zealot preacher recently did a rant where he yapped that Allah was based on a moon god. To this I say, so what? Most ancient ideas of gods cone from previous ideas and sources. It's how cultures work. And try to fathom their idea of God.
I believe in the one true God. I think that the Christians don't necessarily know all there is to know about the Creator of the universe, and that good ideas of God can be found in other religions.
Yahweh was no exception to bring an invented God from a pagan source. as this will explain.
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Yeah, the thing is that Yahweh was invented by the Hebrews to be a war god to kick ass on the rival gods like Baal.

Yahweh is little more than a comic book God. A cruel and jealous bully. He is as far search from the true living creator Goddess who really sustains as is possible.

Goddess Bless!!

Yeah...,afraid so!

I actually would rather have Shrek as a god than Yahweh.

Please don't misunderstand me. I am a Christian who loves god and owes Him my life. I just hate to see His Glory so very misrepresented as with Yahweh of the Torah. And then for some idiot to think He is any better than Allah and do a post deriding the latter when indeed his own God is one of the worst ever depictions of a god in the history of the planet.

1 point

I thought he was based on a god of pastry.