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 Your favorite USA President and why. (20)

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LibPatriot(328) pic

Your favorite USA President and why.

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2 points

Ronald Reagan because he build the economy back up and did tremendous things that helped the U.S in those times of crisis.

1 point

How do you know more about Reagan? I am twice your age. LOL.

1 point

I am into history a lot and it's my favorite subject. Even at school I have US history which is my favorite class out of all my classes. I have it second period which kind of sucks since it goes by super fast.

Theodore Roosevelt. He was a president before Congress had so much damn power, but even when they tried to get in his way, he just went right around them. He did some amazing things in office, for the environment, for foreign policy (not so much the making friends thing, but whatever), and for domestic policy. Plus, he was fun, and totally bad-ass.

Bill Clinton because he had the budget balanced when he left Office. He did other great works also.

0 points

Obama, cuz he's black like me.

LibPatriot(328) Clarified
1 point

What about policies though? .

Intangible(4934) Clarified
1 point

I don't pay attention to that jazz. Don't care for it.

Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Bill Clinton was more black than Dingle-Barry

LibPatriot(328) Disputed
1 point

I think he is joking. No one in there right mind cares about skin color. ;)