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Debate Score:8
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 a Terrorist's best friend (6)

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dadman(1703) pic

a Terrorist's best friend

Qatar allowing released Taliban men to move freely in country...Reintegration: Military hides Bergdahl from public view...FLASHBACK: 'Converted to Islam And Taught Captors Bomb Making Skills'...NYT: Left note explaining desertion before going AWOL...REPORT: Wanted to Renounce Citizenship...Team Leader: 'A lot more to story than soldier walking away'...Death sentence 'in the realm of possibilities'...Pentagon knew whereabouts but didn't risk rescue...14 SOLDIERS WERE LOST Searching for Bergdahl...Never Officially Listed as POW...White House apologizes for 'oversight' in notification failure...FATHER: 'I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners'...MAG: White House Overrode Internal Objections To Terrorist Release...'Suck it up and salute'...Rubio: Obama 'Believes He's Become Monarch Or Emperor'...Anger explodes...

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2 points

I refuse to read anything you post until you type like a normal human being.

How are you supposed to teach when you're speaking a foreign language to your students?

dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

poor baby ................................................................................................

1 point

come and debate the issue ............


Qatar allowing released Taliban men to move freely in country...Reintegration: Military hides Bergdahl from public view...FLASHBACK: 'Converted to Islam And Taught Captors Bomb Making Skills'...


NYT: Left note explaining desertion before going AWOL...REPORT: Wanted to Renounce Citizenship...Team Leader: 'A lot more to story than soldier walking away'...Death sentence 'in the realm of possibilities'...


Pentagon knew whereabouts but didn't risk rescue...14 SOLDIERS WERE LOST Searching for Bergdahl...Never Officially Listed as POW...White House apologizes for 'oversight' in notification failure...


FATHER: 'I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners'...MAG: White House Overrode Internal Objections To Terrorist Release...'Suck it up and salute'...Rubio: Obama 'Believes He's Become Monarch Or Emperor'...


Anger explodes... ... Barack Hussein Obamah ..... a Terrorist's best friend


Taliban Commanders Say Found Bergdahl Cursing Countrymen ... Declared jihad in '10, secret docs show ... Growing fury in Congress ... Reid on Notification: 'What difference does it make?' ... Detainee Release Rattles Afghans

Stryker(849) Disputed
1 point

We are on a debating website already, there is no need to put a link to another.

1 point

Zorg dives to down to the ocean. Blue tornado. Shrieks heard from cubby hole. Santa's igloo chaos. Rachel picks her arm pit in the cosmos triangle. Shame on islamic cows. Want to know more?

0 points

Anger explodes... ... Barack Hussein Obamah ..... a Terrorist's best friend