
Debate Info

yes no
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 yes (3)
 no (4)

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Delta(1348) pic

are humans killing the Earth.


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 6
2 points

people are using too many cars.they let of smoke which pollute the enviroment.and CFCs.They cause the ozone layer to be thinner than usual

Side: yes
1 point

people are using too many cars.they let of smoke which pollute the environment.and CFCs.They cause the ozone layer to be thinner than usual

Side: yes

everybody is saying that. global warming. google that. almost everyone is saying that humans are killing the Earth

Side: yes

In Russia, Earth kills humans ;)

Side: no
2 points


The Earth will be here long after the humans are gone.

probably long after biological life, unless they both go together due to an external event.

Side: no

Well seeing as the Earth isn't a biological creature... you're an idiot.

Side: no
1 point

The Earth has been through things a lot worse than us, it will be fine

Side: no