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warrior(1854) pic

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2 points

It was founded by Christians, based on Christian ideals but not as a Christian nation the article itself says that it was founded as a nation where people could practice any religion freely and equally without one religion being in charge (it even went as far as to point out that, that was unlike England at the time where the Church Of England was in charge). So no it was not founded as a Christian nation but one where people would be free from persecution to practice the religion of their choice equally which would be impossible if one religion was deemed higher/more powerful than any other

Side: no
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

Christian nation doesn't have to mean theocracy. I could be just what you said a nation founded on Christian ideals.

Side: yes

I don't really think so. It was founded by Christians but it wasn't founded for Christians it was originally founded for equal rights. (although that went south somewhere along the line)

It was also founded by white, British people that doesn't make it a white or English nation.

Side: no
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

But it still was founded as white, British and Christian though...

Side: yes
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

It was founded by these people, it was not founded as any type of religion, race, or political rule.

Is this a british nation? The answer is no because it was not founded to be british it as only founded by them.

Side: no
1 point

The Founding Fathers were deist, not Christian, so no.

Side: no
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

I believe in one of the links above there is a quote from one of them about how religion and the constitution go hand in hand and believing In god and livening by Christian morals is fundamental to being an American. So on

Side: yes
Cynical(1943) Disputed
1 point

That's so not true, and is likely to be completely fabricated. The Founding Fathers were freedom fighters, so that quote makes no sense.

Side: no
1 point

While I belive America was founded as a Christian nation (that is, one that practices and espouses christian ideals and principles, among which is free agency and freedom of religion), this particular evidence IMO, does not prove such, so I must disagree.

There is evidence, it's just not this.

Side: no

A film and a statue? Is that all you have? Grow up. Besides, most of the founding father were deists or agnostics.

Side: no
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

I'm not making any claim here I'm asking for people's opinions. So there's no reason to be rude.

Side: yes
1 point

It was founded as "free of religion" just like in the 1st amendment.

Side: no
1 point

The founding fathers were also racist and sexist, what elsa ya got?

Side: no