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RSS LibertyFTW

Reward Points:213
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Please explain to me with facts and analysis how it is possible for a gay person to wake up one morning and then say "Hmm I might try some pussy today" your logic is shit!

1 point

The Bible condemns getting haircuts, The Bible condemns mixed fabrics, The Bible condemns eating lobster. Plus more irrational and out of touch sins! Are you sure you try to follow every command of The Bible?

1 point

Christians believe that gays are going to a realm of torment and horror for the rest eternity every single era after death and onwards! And because of that they inact legislation that prevents them from the right to marry and allows businesses to discriminate based on sexuality because of their prejudice belief that being gay is a sin!

1 point

Precisely no doctors or scientists have concluded, treated or diagnosed homosexuality, bisexuality, pan-sexuality or any other sexual disorders as mental disorders you just pulled that out of your ass!

Also you do not understand what the word prejudice (pre judging) means, even if you are saying that there is nothing wrong with a mental disorder that is still FAR from being prejudice! (pre judging)

2 points

And where is your citation ?

1 point

Do I care if the United States is not a Christian theocracy?

By saying that your opposition to the US legally allowing same sex marriage is because marriage is about reflecting a relationship with God and the Christian church it certainly sounds like you want a Christian theocracy.

God instituted it when Adam and Eve were created.

I think carbon dating, geographical analysis, studying fossils and studying data for evolution disproves creationism and the existence of Adam and Eve this evidence goes in favor of evolution. The only thing that supports creationism is blind faith!

1 point

STFU about Adam and Eve, Creationism is fucking bullshit!

1 point

Well the environment is not the only thing The Green Party prioritizes on (as most people think so,) though it is one of their top priorities.

1 point

You forget the United States is not a Christian theocracy,we do not make laws based on religion or bigotry because we are a free country! Marriage is about commitment it has nothing to do with Jesus it is man made, it is a secular institution. Marriage has existed BCE so that mean God has nothing to do with marriage. You must also be one of the people who think sex is about procreation aren't you?

1 point

The Green Party !

Displaying 10 most recent debates.

Winning Position: liberal
Winning Position: What is your opinion about me? (libertyFTW)
Winning Position: agree
Winning Position: Fuck You!
Winning Position: How can you call yourself a Republican after seeing this video?
Winning Position: Fucking terrible propaganda!

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Guy
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States

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