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 is Sarah Palin an idiot??? (5)

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corinne99(46) pic

is Sarah Palin an idiot???

YES her kids are named trig and track!
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1 point

well ya. She hates the media because they are like a mirror, it shows you as you. She doesn't like what she really is and she has no idea that that is what she really is. Just watch 2 minutes of interview and see what she says.

Side: Sarah Palin is a complete idiot
1 point

No she isn't the the left wing, liberal MSM is sure trying everything they can to make everyone believe that and they are having so much success because so many Americans are idiots and can't think for themselves.

Side: Sarah Palin is a complete idiot
0 points

of course she is are you blind! she is war hungry and she has no idea about what she is doing! her interviews are stupid and never gets to the points of the questions that are asked! when she debates she doesn;t even defend McCain and gets shut downs with out any defense. she never makes it clear what she is arguing about and her kids names are trig and track i mean come on! she has 5 kids, 5!!!! no women with 5 kids should be working in politics no women! i am a women and i say that quite calmly and openly! she wants creationism taught in school i mean no it has already been taught in schools and made it harder for science teachers to teach and makes it even harder for science to proceed in the younger generation. we no longer need to give our kids a choice to believe story's from a book that has been inaccurate for many many years. we need to give them proven fact which is what science is!!!! fact not fiction like a silly old book. Sarah Palin is a idiot and what makes it worse is that she is a women i mean the first chance a women has made it this far and she is a complete and totally idiot! that doesn;t make me happy i mean there should be more women in politics just not her!!!!!

Side: Sarah Palin is a complete idiot
0 points

2 questions come to mind.

1. Did you watch the Vice Presidential debate?

2. Why does she piss you off so much? How would you be affected if she was elected for office? How would Australia be affected?

Side: Sarah Palin is a complete idiot
0 points

lol, what a great argument against mothers in politics. well, i do agree that women shouldn't get into politics, after all, they can't think rationally like men.

hey, wanna bring that shit up, i'll drive it home.

in all seriousness, she's more likely to get better help raising her children in the white house.

Side: Sarah Palin is a complete idiot