
Debate Info

Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 YES (4)

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samuelong7(77) pic

is minecraft awesome?

ITS AWESOME, but i wanna know what others think about it


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 0
2 points

Yes I love it! I wish I can get the premium version all I have now is just a free version of it. I have a lot of friend who play it a lot and I would like to get it but I don't really paying online for things.

Side: YES
feelingtruth(2774) Clarified
2 points

if you like minecraft you should check out this game:

Its like halo+minecraft and its way better YOU CAN GO INTO OUTER SPACE :O

Side: YES
2 points

It brings the creativity out of every man woman and child.

Side: YES
2 points

Minecraft is awesome because of the lack of limits in the game, allowing people to express their creativity in the game, creating many different things for other people to play, for example, maps that can challenge people's skills and minds about the game.

Side: YES
2 points

obvious. it is unrealistic but some how it is very fun and i like it

Side: YES
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