
Debate Info

yep, lets live with nature No, dont be stupid
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 yep, lets live with nature (4)
 No, dont be stupid (6)

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feelingtruth(2774) pic

is technology the ultimate downfall of a society?

think about this: america is a technology based society, in an extreme situation, one EMP strike from high enough would render our country useless for about a month. And we would fall to our knees.

So science and technology, if the point of life to some is to survive and thrive, why throw out survival and focus on being a technology based society that will collapse eventually, and the recovery will be... bad.

If we started living back with nature and doing self sustainance, and using wind, hydro and solar power, we could easily thrive with technology and nature, i know this is where we are headed but everything is technology based today, which is kind of depressing, i love technology, but i love nature more i think

yep, lets live with nature

Side Score: 4

No, dont be stupid

Side Score: 8

Really, my answer is no, or "I don't know". I mean we all benefit from technology,

but sometimes the improvement is worse than the way things were before. It's a two-edged sword. And I suspect, that maybe your seeing that bleak future where the robots take all of our jobs. Can we make a work force out of just repairing robots? Or how does economy move forward with a diminishing workforce?

Also, with that two-edged sword, sometimes it's not really better.

Like the way that you can be in touch with the whole world now with just a few clicks on your phone. It seems like no one can carry a conversation anymore. Or even if you go to dinner with someone, you only get half a conversation. The rest of the time they're checking their cell phone. And people feel naked without their cellphone, as if the entire world will gang up on them if they go a day without it.

Side: yep, lets live with nature

yes but we focus only to thrive and not survive, and i know that is a bad thing right?

Side: yep, lets live with nature
1 point

As much as technology is helpful, it's a tool, a crutch even. It makes things easier. As time progresses, people are just more and more happy with technology doing tasks for them. If used wisely, it's a great tool that should help but more people tend to be lazy and it's causing a problem where people are too dependent on technology and are less willing to do tasks for themselves. It's a major hindrance in society today, directly or indirectly causing rising problems that haven't been seen to this scale before like the drop in education quality and obesity.

Side: yep, lets live with nature
2 points

Technology is a part of nature. Wind, solar, hydro power, etc, are all technologies. Technology is only dangerous if misused by people.

People are fucking idiots.

Therefore, our downfall will not be due to technology, but by fucking idiots.

Side: No, dont be stupid
1 point

but by fucking idiots.

Yea, they sure do fuck. How else could there be so many?

Side: No, dont be stupid
1 point

This one is absolutely crazy. We are not nearly a tech savvy society as some other contries on this planet. How about this:

The 20 Countries With the Highest Per Capita Cell-Phone Use -

The US doens't even make the list!

The World’s Leading Nations for Innovation and Technology -

The US is only number 3

The Fastest Internet Speeds In The World -

The US ranks 12th.

Frankly for being such a super power, we suck at being great at technology!

Side: No, dont be stupid
1 point

Well if you look around, is not everyone staring at an electronic device in one form of another? lol our society has replaced their eyes with thumbs

Side: yep, lets live with nature
addltd(5125) Disputed
1 point

While many are staring at electronic devices, imthink they are mind expanding, not thumb numbing!

Side: No, dont be stupid
1 point

No when everyone stops believing in me that shall be the true downfall of society

Side: No, dont be stupid

Technology can only advance a civilization. The point to stress is not to let yourself become lazy from the use of technology.

Side: No, dont be stupid