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should we?? no body care!
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 should we?? (5)

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fotroselayan pic

should all the men respect women's rights??

should we??

Side Score: 5

no body care!

Side Score: 0

Of course we should. Women are just as important as us men and they deserve the same rights as us. Plus don't tell any of my guy buddies but I actually think their a bit more important XD

Side: should we??
1 point

Everyone should respect everyone's rights, how about that? .

Side: should we??
1 point

Yes, we all should respect each other's rights. But, sometimes that is difficult. I suspect during our lifetime, we have or will all deny someone their rights.

Yes, respect women and their rights. Just think about this. Women can do everything men can AND they can bear children. So, if yopu wrote a book 1,001 uses for a human, men would have 1000 and women would have 1,001!

Side: should we??

Yes, women are civilians too.

But do you have a reason not to respect a woman's rights?

I mean, what are the rights you are considering? Like the right to vote, or just basic human rights like .. being protected by the law?

Side: should we??

Men should respect women just as they respect men. Give respect and get respect.

Side: should we??
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