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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

because there is no different between boys and girl and both of them come to class to learn and if some body break the rules in the class the school must take an extremely painful Decision for them!!

1 point

very short dude.....and i can proof ma opinion in one sentence ....just for a while u can remember what u do before ten years and u think that happen yesterday!

1 point

i think that depend on u and your smart......and if u have a place u will do it??

1 point must be careful about your health and doing exerciser all the time!!

1 point

okey...but if they have a place for that and everybody know about it..or if the school make it as a gift for intelligent student or something like that??

1 point

In my opinion, the main cause for teenage obesity is sleeping late. Nowadays, teenagers are sleeping very late at night, be it loads of assignments from school, addiction to computer games, social networking or insomnia caused by stress. Research shows that getting too less sleep (six hours or less per day), can lead to fat deposits in the belly. According to the National Sleep Foundation, over 75% of American teenagers claim to have lack of sleep. At the same time, over 61% of American teens are now considered overweight. Recent studies have now shown a link between sleeping late and weight gain. Hunger signals in your brain are controlled by two hormones: ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin tells your brain when it is time to eat, and leptin tells your brain when you are full. When you are fatigued, ghrelin levels in your blood increase and leptin levels decrease. A recent study showed a 5% increase in body weight in those who slept less than three hours a night. The National Center for Health Statistics conducted a survey of over 87,000 teenagers and adults over the two year period from 2004 to 2006. Going door-to-door, they confirmed that obesity and sleep loss were linked. Two third of the people who slept less than six hours were obese, while only 22% of those who slept the normal seven or eight hours were obese. Therefore, with all this evidence, I strongly say that Fast Food is Not responsible for Teenage Obesity but sleeping late is the main culprit.

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: should we??
Winning Position: no, they shouldn't
Winning Position: No, it is not responsible.

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