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continue dont contine
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:34
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 continue (9)
 dont contine (4)

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the death penallty

we all have heard of the death penallty and i ask you do you think that it should be stop and other means of dealing with the bad guys or say they messed up and they get the punishment that comes with it.


Side Score: 14
Winning Side!

dont contine

Side Score: 7

I have an idea for immigrants without papers. if they get arrested or found or if they turn themselves in. why not give them the chance of going back to their country or we give them the death penalty! If we catch them again, well, then, that will be their third strike and they're out of this world ;)

Side: continue
1 point

That is probably the most logical thing we can do to keep America in a functioning state. But those damn Liberals think that is "inhumane" and that "human rights are above that of the state". I'm glad there is someone in the world who understands how to get things done!


Side: continue
1 point

Yeah, we should give offenders chances to repent. Immediate death penalty seems very unfair =,=

Side: continue
hectormunoz(44) Disputed
0 points

dude seruisly thats just wrong why would you try to do that to peole that most likely running from things that are wrong in their country and you want to throw more evil at them

Side: dont contine
0 points

GO JOE WOOO i agree stupid job thifes

Side: continue
1 point

If a criminal takes the life of another human being or other human beings, why does this person deserve to keep HIS (or her) life. Obviously only for very serious murders, not for self-defense, etc.

Side: continue
1 point

yea i agree too good 1

Side: continue
hectormunoz(44) Disputed
1 point

but dont you think that we need to still need to give him more time as thing are still new to him right?

Side: dont contine
1 point

i think this person that has the name as ''JOECAVALRY'' is stupid and an idiot because not all immigrants are coming to the U.S to do stupid things like harm anyone they might come to have a better job and a better career and be able to pay off their families expenses.....i know if i were one of those people i would want to come to the U.S to make more money for my family so seriously if you dont know then you shouldnt talk and people that do come here and get caught shouldnt deserve a death penalty sentence i think that would be really uncalled for.......

Side: continue
-1 points

Since there is no way to quantify losing ones life, i.e. we don't know if there's a heaven/hell, if you just phase out of existence, or w/e. So, since there is no way to prove that the criminal would in fact be receiving the same punishment as the victim we as a society have no right to kill those criminals we deem worthy of such a fate.

Further more, Locke states that all people have the innate right to life, liberty, and property, as such even if a criminal takes another's life we cannot rightly take theirs. Unless we as a society agree that people do not in fact have the innate right to life, in which case murder is no longer a crime. So the moment a government takes the life of one of its constituents (regardless of guilt) it throws away all rights of those constituents to keep their right to life. Furthermore, the moment a government takes the life of an innocent (an almost certianty) it has completely devalued the lives of its constituents.

So if a society is to remain just and right, it must noe continue the death penalty.

Side: dont contine