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 what is so good about FB? (14)

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jonathangoh(1724) pic

what is so good about FB?

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1 point

Everyone is there.

If know one used facebook, I wouldn't use it either.

For me it isn't about what site I use, it is about what others use.

Everyone uses facebook, I'm okay with facebook, it is a good site.

The wank material and the increased ability to talk to girls, other than that, it's a pointless piece of shit, I never post anything, aside from comments, I never play any games (they are evil bastards that steal your info), and everything on my account is locked to friends only, as well as my family being blocked.

ThePyg(6706) Disputed
3 points

it's a pointless piece of shit, I never post anything, aside from comments,

we got a badass over here.

1 point

The wank material and the increased ability to talk to girls

There is this thing called meeting a girl, its nice, you might want to try it as oppose to typing "Oh I <3 <3 <3 you" you'll have a better time.

anachronist(886) Disputed
1 point

Ouch, that one really hurt my feelings, was it something I said? More girls to talk to = more girls to meet with. And although you may think you're "down with the kids", "I <3 you" isn't really a great line if you're out slaying the poon.

I first got one after I came home from camp one year and was really depressed from missing all my friends. It was nice to still be able to have access to them. Even though there are a lot of friends I don't talk to anymore, I still feel connected to them in a way, just from getting to see their random thoughts on things every now and then. And sometimes I do actually keep in touch with old friends. There's one girl I know who will write on my wall randomly once or twice a year, and it's really nice. Plus, when my friend switched schools a couple of years ago, we made a pact to take turns writing on each other's walls once a week, and we always got into long conversations. It stopped eventually, but it was really great while it lasted.

It's also useful for contacting people. Facebook happens to be the most reliable way to get in touch with me, much more so than my phone, and that's just fine. It's just another way to reach people. And for the most part when I need to tell people something, I send them a message, but sometimes a wall post is fine in other cases. Fo example, I sent my friend a private message when I invited her to hang out (I hate it when people do this kind of thing through wall posts), but I wrote on another friend's wall to wish her luck on her play that was that night that I had to miss due to being out of town.

Don't get me wrong--I do have some petty issues with Facebook, like when my crush likes another friend's status or picture, but overall it's easy to avoid a lot of drama if you want to. I clean out my friends list regularly, and hardly ever let it get past 100. Plus, I block people from my news feed if they're really that annoying.

1 point

Nothing really is good about it. Who would want to put their first and last name on a public website and some stranger or stalker can know practically anything from you? It just doesn't make sense. I rather be unknown and not have people know where I live or know anything about me.

1 point

there is nothing good about it.It just a waste of time.what is the use of chatting with someone when you can pick up the phone,dial a number and talk instead of wasting time.