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 what questions should you never ask a man or a woman? (15)

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what questions should you never ask a man or a woman?

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You should never ask a man if a particular article of clothing makes your ass look fat. The answer is almost always, "No, your fat ass makes your fat ass look fat." ;)

2 points


You should not ask women for their age but you will find out her age anyway. I don't know about men.

3 points

You should never ask a woman if she's fat or pregnant......or both.

2 points

You should never ask a women how her day was. Assume it was good, and carry on with your business.

Hey babe, I just wanted to know....................are those real?

1 point

You never ask a woman if you're going to get lucky on the first date. Chances are that you never will after that.

1 point

Maybe you were asking the wrong women LOL....I never ask I just take them home LOL J/K

1 point

Maybe batting average is poor with wives. I always seem to find the nutcases. I think it's because inside I'm a caregiver and I honestly believe I can help them. I hope the last one was the last nutcase.

1 point

You should never ask a man when his daughter turns 18.

1 point

You should never ask a man "...and how does that make YOU feel?"

1 point

Thanks for sharing and how does that make you feel ?

1 point

Never ask a Man how much he loves his girl. He is gonna lie. Never ask a lady how much she adores herself. She is gonna be modest. And that will be a lie.