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 what will the world look like in 1,000 years (13)

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spicyg(24) pic

what will the world look like in 1,000 years

what do you think will happen over the next 1,000 years will humans evolve will they die out what will the planet look like if humans evolve what will we look like

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1 point

Well in 1000 years I think their will be a few more world wars even with the use of nuclear weapons humans will survive and re populate. Probably flying cars and weapons. Also the frequent use of nano technology and robots. Lol the world will be like the movie the surrogates oh also the human colonization of mars and advance space travel

1 point

That is all a matter of prediction. It is like asking: What is your OPINION about humanitarian personality?

The answer to this question only relies on your faith in humanity, this is generally unsupported by any logical reasoning. If it is, it WILL be incorrect in certain situations. You are unable to predict this as long as humans have free will. It is if you are arguing that God can know all the future. Free will intercepts prediction.

Sitara(11075) Banned
1 point

The world will not last that long. :(

iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

So of the hundreds of thousands of years of human existence, there is something extra special about the next thousand?

Please, enlighten me powerful prophet. Tell me the secrets of your visions ._.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Industrial revolution :)

nummi(1424) Disputed Banned
1 point

Sitara(11075) Disputed Banned
1 point

Dude, where is your response? o.O

1 point

Pretty much the same with better technologies.

While we can't predict specifics we can look at the curve of human history and say some things with confidence:

1. There will be more of us.

2. We will be more peaceful.

3. We will be smarter.

1,000 years really isn't as long as it sounds though. Minus technologies that will probably seem foreign initially, once used to whatever they are, they would not seem anything special.

Planes for example, who thinks twice about a plane? But 1,000 years ago it would have seemed a miracle.

1 point

We're all going to be dead, or only few survivors at a more primative state. Reminds me of a question in my y6 SATS about amoeba ore some other critters being bred in a jar of water, and why did the ones in a certain jar died off suddenly- one of the answers was that their own waste poisoned them. I think us humans await a similar fate.

1 point

it wont be pretty. sinners will be everwhere and will need to be purged but its not my problem

Sad to say, I think nuclear war will destroy the world and no life will be on this planet.

flewk(1193) Clarified
1 point

Why would nuclear war destroy the world? Look up the Cold War if you think tensions are high (or the number of warheads is scary).