
Debate Info

gentlemen don't kiss and tell. chivalry is DEAD.
Debate Score:40
Total Votes:45
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 gentlemen don't kiss and tell. (10)
 chivalry is DEAD. (3)

Debate Creator

tonicole(854) pic

which statement do you agree with more ?

gentlemen don't kiss and tell.

Side Score: 36

chivalry is DEAD.

Side Score: 4
5 points

You run your fingers across my lips; No I’ve never felt like this before, no, no. I know I’m young but I know love and I’d know I know an angel if I saw one.

But I know very well gentlemen don’t kiss and tell. So promise you won’t tell the world if I say I want to be your girl in my own words.

I’m just a simple girl, simple plans. Good work, take care of fam, I’m sure you understand. Because you’re heaven sent, independent. Do you think you need me? I think I need you boy, baby can’t you see?

But I know very well gentlemen don’t kiss and tell. So promise you won’t tell the world if I say I want to be your girl in my own words.

Cards on the table. Willing and able, stable, capable of holding you down. I’m just sayin...I'm not complaining; your love is worth waiting for.

But I know very well gentlemen don’t kiss and tell. So promise you won’t tell the world if I say I want to be your girl in my own words.

cover version
Side: gentlemen don't kiss and tell.

Chivalry is my middle name, Joe Chivalry Cavalry.

Side: Chivalry is in
4 points

lol joe you smart ass ! ahahahahah.

Side: gentlemen don't kiss and tell.

Well, out of all of the Cavalries I know, I am the most Cavalier.

Joe Cavalry, the Chivalrous Cavalier

Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Side: gentlemen don't kiss and tell.
1 point

chivalry is out there. you just need to find out where exactly.

Side: gentlemen don't kiss and tell.
1 point

with the birth of feminism, chivalry slowly started to die. and now with the birth of feminazism, chivalry is officially dead.

it's an Irony really. do women prefer being treated like ladies or like crap (like everyone else). Equality just means you get treated like everyone else, which is like shit. w/e, i'm fine with it (although i still pay for a girl's movie ticket and shit).

Side: chivalry is DEAD.
kirstie1126(480) Disputed
4 points

Let me try to clear this up... as a woman, in the workplace we want to be paid and respected like every one else, as a co-worker. In a personal relationship, yes, we want to be treated like women!

Side: gentlemen don't kiss and tell.
5 points

go kirstie ! finally someone that will tell it how it is and NOT talk shit about the other sex !

Side: gentlemen don't kiss and tell.

Chivalry cannot be dead as long as there are men who understand what equality truly means and where it has its place. Chivalry cannot be dead as long as women don't expect or accept anything less in a relationship.

Side: Chivalry is another word for courtesy
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

so you just want all the goods and none of the bad? i'm sorry, but that isn't equality, that's special treatment.

Side: chivalry is DEAD.
1 point

I agree. If a woman tells me to treat her like everyone else, then I'll treat her like everyone else. But it isn't fair for her to come crying to me or someone else saying I don't treat her like a ladie. I mean seriously?! o.O

Side: chivalry is DEAD.