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do your thing dont do your thing
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 do your thing (4)
 dont do your thing (4)

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hectormunoz(44) pic

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you love to do something and peolpe say not to do that would you anyway?

you love to do something and people or you perants tell you to stop are you willing to stop or are you going to continue your way and forget what they siad? it`s a good thing like you love to cook or paint

do your thing

Side Score: 6

dont do your thing

Side Score: 7
Winning Side!
2 points

Don't conform to what people want you to! Be yourself! Do what you love!

Side: do your thing
1 point

We have no idea what he is referring to altarion. We have no clue as to his level of intelligence or common sense. The question, in its present form, cannot be answered until he gives examples of his question.

Side: vague question
altarion(1955) Disputed
1 point

I disagree. I say that if you love doing something then no one else can tell you to stop; but, on the flip side, if you are doing something bad, whether you stop or not you must accept full responsibility for the consequences. So no matter what this person is referring to, I can not change my point of view, unless, of course, you love doing something that is a direct cause of someone else's sufferring and misery, in which case you shouldn't do it.

I guess I went off on a tangent there, hope you understand the jist of what I meant. :P

Side: do your thing

It it feels good, do it till they through your ass in jail. However, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Things are so simple when you apply fortune cookie logic :)

Side: do your thing

Well, if you love killing people then maybe the advice might be good. If you have a serious drug habit, then listening to those you love could help.

The question is too vague to have a meaningful answer.

Side: vague question
hectormunoz(44) Disputed
2 points

but come to it how many teenagers have that type of habit or liking to go out there and start a killing spree and on drugs unless that person has like a hormonic rampage i really dont think thats a problem right? but lets say that your thing is to be a vonleenter all day long and they say no? or that you really love to cook? i dont see a broblem with doing that kind of things.

Side: do your thing
2 points

Well if you change the debate to only good things, then it's hardly a debate at all. What I'm saying is that we shouldn't just dismiss the opinions of others because we enjoy something. Often times they have our best interest at heart.

I'm not sure I have ever met any parents that forbid their children from volunteering, but obviously if they're that irrational then your own good judgment can prevail.

As for drug habits, I'm talking about harmful drugs like meth, crack or heroin. For these type of destructive habits, interventions are often necessary.

Side: dont do your thing
1 point

"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."

I believe in free agency. You can choose to do whatever you want, but you can't change the consequences.

It's just a matter of being smart.

Side: be smart