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NomsGremlin's Reward Points: 79

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Atheists - You do know this, right?
0 Added Argument If jews are both a religious denomination and an ethnicity does that make excon half jewis
1 Added Argument What will america look like once Trump is done with it?
5 Created Debate Would an atheist tell a dying child there is no God?
4 Created Debate Are you a bigot if you don't tolerate Satanism?
0 Created Debate Nom's puppets got off their strings & started debating on their own
1 Created Debate NumberOne AKA Nomenclature should apologize to factmachine
1 Added Argument When Chuck Schumer called for a military parade
1 Added Argument Why do christians say things are "just a theory" but think faith is any better?
1 Added Argument Is Conservatism Breathing Its Dying Breaths?
1 Added Argument Who the F is Nomenclature?
0 Created Debate Justignoreme and Nomenclature will be conservatives in 5 years or less
0 Added Argument Does Mueller have any credibility left?
2 Added Argument Is voter antipathy towards both corporatist parties justified?
3 Added Argument Liberals have a mental disorder called Munchausen syndrome
4 Added Argument Liberals have a mental disorder called Munchausen syndrome
5 Created Debate Why do Democrats and Republicans hate each other so much?
1 Added Argument 9/11 was an inside job
2 Added Argument Christianity is polytheistic
1 Added Argument Christianity is polytheistic
-1 Downvoted Argument The left used to be skeptical of FISA courts and surveillance of Americans
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument The left used to be skeptical of FISA courts and surveillance of Americans
4 Added Argument The left used to be skeptical of FISA courts and surveillance of Americans
1 Added Argument Should fat woman wear bikini or not?
0 Added Argument The Sun came up this morning! Thank you President Trump!
1 Added Argument You can have an authoritarian socialist society
2 Added Argument Clintons have history of using FBI to target opposition
1 Added Argument The recession was basically over when Obama became President.
7 Added Argument Radical MSNBC guest says "People need so start taking to the streets for a Revolution"
-1 Downvoted Argument If a rising DOW means Trump is doing good, does a falling DOW mean he sucks?
8 Added Argument If a rising DOW means Trump is doing good, does a falling DOW mean he sucks?
-1 Downvoted Argument What qualities do you think women want in a man?
1 Added Argument What qualities do you think women want in a man?
1 Added Argument Clintons have history of using FBI to target opposition
-1 Downvoted Argument Dear white people
-1 Downvoted Argument Dear white people
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
6 Added Argument Dear white people
1 Added Argument Civilization has eroded our morality than our culture
1 Added Argument Civilization has eroded our morality than our culture
6 Added Argument Dear white people
5 Added Argument Dear white people
2 Added Argument Black History Month

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