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RSS 16dmccal

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

While I believe we shouldn't be restricted, I don't believe students should have more freedoms. That's basically saying "Since these people are in schools and most of them aren't adults, we'll give them more rights than tax paying, working citizens who have already completed school." I don't believe that's right. Now, midway into typing this I think I've just realized you meant more freedoms relevant to what we have, not relevant to everyone else and I agree with that. But students shouldn't have more rights than everyone else.

1 point

I support this, although (and i know you didn't say this, it's just where you put it) I don't believe students should possess more freedoms. But everything you said is completely valid and I agree with. Religion is something that shouldn't offend anyone because what are they doing to harm you? If someone wants to pray at school they should be allowed to even if they are the one Muslim person at a school filled with mostly agnostic people or something like that.

2 points

Students should have more or just slightly less freedoms for the simple fact that I believe that minors would simply take said rights for granted but that can be argued on a different day. For the most part though, equal rights should be given to students in the US because they are still citizens and in many supreme court cases such as Tinker v. Des Moines, students are still citizens that should have the right to freedom of speech to express their opinions. In Tinker V. Des Moines, it ended with the supreme court ruling in the favor of the students in that the school had to prove that the conduct or speech “materially and substantially interferes” with school operations in order to justify the ban, and it did not, it was simply voicing an opinion and schools should not be allowed to silence the voices of students.

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