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RSS 1957

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree it is time to take a stand americans,also Obama gives these illegals the right to be here?What kind of president does this?It is putting all of California in a strain and they are draining our recourses,lets get out there to face book and tweets exc.....

1 point

I think that there isn't any legal reason they should be here.They are draining all our resources use our systems get on welfare, grow marijuana filth our country with garbage everywhere and they are the ones creating problems, and we all need to take a stand and start taking control of our country before it is to late.They trash there own country and come here and do the same to ours?Why hasn't the border controlled this problem way before now.Our citys are getting garbage thrown on the sides of roads because they are to cheap to take to the dumps.And the laws they have about there babies being born here and they are they thank it ok to live here. well send the parents back have them take there babys back with them or put them up for adoption?We need to take control of our country or they are going to ruin our life source,so come on people wake up,what are we doing.5 to six million illegals live in California and we will never get out of a drought as long as they are here. example

Joe american goes to work everyday has a union job make 40,thousand a year pays taxes pays health insurances and makes it day by day while pedro illegal makes 20 thousand a year working as land escaping and pay no taxes ,free medicare food stamps wic programs and every other programs out there and carry drugs and weapons and every thing else with them when they come over here and drive newer cars and ending up with more then the average American we need to wake up and put a end to it.

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