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RSS AigerimW

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
-1 points

I believe it is bad for our society. I am not against of homo couples, but generally it is wrong. It is not natural. We cannot say it is good, right. We cannot promote this kind of orientation. What would be with our society if everyone start considering homosexuality is normal, and there is nothing wrong with this? Society will degrade, lose moral values and parents will raise children with unhealthy views. However we cannot judge single sex couples because of their orientation, they have right to live whatever kind of life they want to.

1 point

Of course I am against! First of all television and Internet are devices which make people degraded. I cannot find from television some sort of information which can be useful for me, or teach me something valuable and significant. All programs, reality shows, advertisement have only one target - to grab the attention of watchers and entertain them. We all know that we can never improve ourselves with entertainment. Entertainment is just the tool of being happy and joyful, or cheering up. You cannot also see lots of remarkable films on TV, rarely only. What about books? It is controversially the tool of improvement and progression. You read; you learn the moral of the book; you learn good things about characters; you try not to repeat their mistakes; in addition, you raise your language level and vocabulary, improve your writing; you will be saturated with moral, mercy and intelligence. Is it bad for you?

2 points

God is evil It is winning position It made me think that God created us-Evil created us and let us live. I am Muslim and I believe in God. However God is neither good nor evil. He is justice. He is the one who recognizes evil and good, then decides should good be awarded, and evil be punished or should they exist or not. He created good and evil himself, so how can God be evil or good? He is higher than these notions.

3 points

Smoking should be banned because:

1. Passive smokers get more harm than active smokers. It means people surrounding that smoker are at a greater risk of getting heart disease. In order to support my argument I will give you a link to the article which proves my words 1047.short

And if it is banned, other people will be in safe

2. Smoking in public places is equivalent to drinking, throwing trash on the street. These actions are banned, but why smoking is not? It is also causes a lot of inconvenience for people and society.

We should be considerate and think about other's wealth too. At least smokers should think about their own health and try to give up smoking

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