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Reward Points:19
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

But by having a Spotify subscription, you have access to a wealth of music from the streaming catalog, at a price that gives more value for money (or none on a free trial) than one CD can provide.

2 points

Streaming music allows you only the right to have controlled access to music, you need the internet and a Spotify account. Whether as if you bought a CD, that gives you the control to access the music whenever and wherever, provided you have a CD player or have ripped the CD to an iPod etc.

2 points

“Prominent artists such as Taylor Swift and The Black Keys have begun speaking out about this service, some even withholding their music from the service entirely, explaining that the payment model is unfair and that the service is cannibalizing album sales. Other artists praise the service for its ability to deliver a legal alternative to piracy, where artists can capture valuable information about their listeners and are compensated on a per-play basis.”

0 points

I'll see you on the bus Nelson........................................................................................

0 points

Does Peter have yellow fever? Find out in the next episode.

-1 points

Teenage poontag

-1 points

Is there anything better to do on the bus? Hunt for poontag or stare at booty?

0 points

If your dumb enough to be disrupted by this technology then it's your own fault, sozzzzzzzz

1 point

You wouldn’t steal a car, you wouldn’t steal a handbag, you wouldn’t steal a television, you wouldn’t steal a movie. Downloading pirated films is stealing.

stealing is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 point

Spotify will not let you save music to your computer and copy it onto a disc. So lets keep that in mind. if you were selling a product for money, and you found that it had somehow got leaked onto the internet for free usage, would you be mad? I know i would

Winning Position: true, agree

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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