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RSS Amorgan3

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

I believe that is best for schools to continue the tradition of the same freedoms that they have today. Not only do restrictions in the schools keep people safe physically, they keep people safe emotionally as well. There are few incidents that go on at school that cause a major problem with other students and the staff as well. For example, in the Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier case, girls tried to include the impact of divorce and teen pregnancy on teens and this was denied by the school and the Supreme Court as well. People do have the freedom of speech, but they only do at a certain extent. This paper would have caused many emotions to the people who were affected by it and maybe the staff as well. Those are unnecessary actions that can lead to a problem within the school. These few freedoms prevent these unhealthy events from taking place.

1 point

I agree with the fact that religions should be able to be expressed to set themselves up for a future within their culture. However, this practice can be done after school which may be only a few more years. This would allow people many more options if they decide they don't want to continue to pursue their traditional cultural ways and make changes in their lives. Also, having more knowledge would get you a step ahead and you can use that knowledge to find better ways to express your religion.

1 point

I believe that school prayer has been an issue for some time. Santa Fe Independent School District v. Jane Doe was a case that abolished the right to open prayer within all public schools. I agree with this because their are many separate religion in the world today. It would be unfair for the people who don't accept Christianity, or whatever religion that is dominant at the school, to have to go through a prayer and basically waste their time. Prayers can be made individually or in groups some other time for whoever feels they need to. This would keep conflicts of the prayers arising within the schools and allow students to peacefully carry on with their day.

1 point

I would like to agree with this argument using the case of Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District as another example. A couple of student in Des Moines, Iowa wore black arm bands to school protesting the war in Vietnam. School official have told them to take theme off and they refused resulting in suspension fro the school. Their parents decided to sue the school district for violating the students rights for freedom of speech. This is a written part of the First Amendment which was brought to the Supreme court. I believe that their decision in favor of these students was the right decision because everyone should be able to express their opinion equally. This has been a problem for a while in the early 1900's for citizens of this country, but the first amendment allows these rights with the 14th amendment protecting it as well.

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