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RSS Arai

Reward Points:14
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10 most recent arguments.
Arai(14) Clarified
2 points

Yes, but the point that students OBLIGED to go to the another country, just to learn English. Did you pay attention? There is no any obligation that student must to learn it in another country.

1 point

I think that life, science and evolution are strongly connected with each other. For what we are living if we will not use our brain for develop ourselves and our science. So, science is one of the major thing which lead us to evolve something. Yes, maybe there are some disadvantages and bad consequences of science, but it is a fault of that person who create it, but it is a very big mistake to blame science and say that we don't need it to evolve. I strongly believe that evolution doesn't exist without science and science without evolution..

4 points

I think that it is not necessarily to go abroad and learn it in that country. Nowadays there are a lot of training clubs or specific language schools and universities to learn it in your own country, fortunately. Learning language abroad it is a just some kind of help, because you will live and study there with foreign people which accelerate your learning skills. But, these things you also can learn in your country, One more important thing is your desire.

1 point

I think that it is a very controversial issue. If we agree with this point that we can kill animals for fur clothing, here is exist arguments against for it such as "animals shouldn't be killed so that we can look good" or "we can make clothes from cotton and wool (from shearing sheep),so why kill animals to get another material" or one more argument as "too many animals are being killed for almost no reason."

On the other hand we can not agree with it because it is very cruel but at the same time almost all of us wear it every day forgetting that it a fur of animals(

That's why it is a very hard to answer for me.

1 point

No, bullying can't be stopped. Maybe it sounds harsh, but everybody knows that it is a fact. Bullying is often an unstoppable until the victim takes out of the bully's environment.

1 point

Sure, every child have to take a qualified education. If even not probably in colleges, in school they must be at least educated to live better in the future. Education is one of the important key to develop ourselves, our country and at least to make a contribution to it. So, if there is no education there will not be future, that's why all children should be touched by the light of education.

Arai(14) Clarified
1 point

Mmm, I also wearing different kinds of fur to keep myself warm and etc. But now I'm going to write a discussion essay and see different points of view. But after analyzing all these thing there are some questions such as

why should we kill animals to take away what keeps them warm,just to keep ourselves warm?

Arai(14) Clarified
1 point

Yes, it's true. But, Does it mean that you agree with this issue?

1 point

Yes, they are really different thing to compare them, and there are advantages of both sides. But, In TV we can see everything,I mean news,different programs, films, cartoons,serials and even listen to music and etc. These all things are available for all ages, but not available in books. I think that if we will compare best qualities of watching films or reading it from books, we can say that books are better, because it will help to our imagination,we will see more details than watching it from TV. But in our case TV is better, because it gives social interaction, information and entertainment.

1 point

In my opinion there is no doubt that we eat to live. We eat food to take energy from them and that energy we use to another things such as work,study, support our health and be strong.

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