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RSS Daemon

Reward Points:27
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

well, actually, McDonalds have many other branches to work even when they are banned in public schools. It's not about banning junk food as a whole: it's about only public schools banning it.

1 point

Trees are essential in human lives in so many ways. One of them is that trees produce a lot of oxygen for us to breathe. Even though there are other many ways to make oxygen, trees create a big amount of it, and in order for us to even live breathing well, trees should not be cut down.

Trees can also stop landslides from occurring from mountains by gripping the soil, and they can stop floods in the same way.

Although some people my argue that trees are essential to develop society in many ways and that trees should be cut down, but think about our descendants. When we cut a majority, or even, all, of the trees down, our descendants will have nothing to breathe upon and use. Thinking of our, and our descendants, lives, i strongly propose not cutting trees down.

1 point

There was once something called the 'Prohibition' in Chicago, which banned alcohol and liquor altogether from the city. and a few years later, gangs and criminals started selling liquor by the black market, and the Prohibition was also the time when the notorious Al Capone roamed the streets of Chicago.

The similar thing will happen when we ban smoking altogether. The black market will increase, gangs and criminals will have a great time.

And thus banning smoking altogether is inefficient.

1 point

Rubber bullets may seem the case when dealing with a gang of shoplifters or pickpockets. however, if police had tried to deal with Al Capone with rubber bullets, what would have happened? Rubber bullets is a good idea when dealing with small cases, but when trying to deal with maniacs with guns with real bullets, this may result to failure in operation and many casualties.

1 point

As long as there's light, there's a shadow. Social networking may seem absolutely agreeable in some point of views, but there are some things we have to be careful upon in social networking sites.

Security is one of them. In posting a profile page, especially young people, they may provide private information to the whole world, which could be used to hack the user's other accounts and use for bad purposes.

1 point

Human technology is not that well developed. Although it has made a huge leap in the hundred or so years, science technology has not been able to make anything fly in the air(with the exception of airplanes, which has not much in common with the hoverboard). Human technology probably still needs another fifty years or more in making anything fly.

And thus I believe hoverboards will definitely not appear next year.

1 point

A zoo is a place where animals are put in there generally for the sake of entertainment instead of being safe, thus making it an artificial habitat with not a very luxurious lifestyle given to animals. Because of this, i believe that putting endangered animals in zoos will only make them die out faster. Like humans, animals live best in their homeland, having a reason to be there in the first place.

If for the sake of protecting endangered species, I believe that we should put these species in a safe place in the wild or a place where it is not for entertainment that they are there for but where they are there to be protected.

2 points

Actually, there are many other alternatives for animal testing, such as computer simulation, skin donation, and dead bodies, which works much better than animal testing and is cheaper than it(according t a recent study, 94% of tests that have passed animal testing have failed to work on humans).

2 points

One reason why we try hardest in our lives is because we don't live forever, and that we must try our hardest in order to use that life wisely.

If someone was immortal, they wouldn't spend their deepest efforts in using a better life, and thus making the life more useless than a life with death.

And thus i support mortal over immortal.

Displaying 6 most recent debates.

Tied Positions: Opposition: no, we should not. vs. Proposition:yes, we should.
Winning Position: opposition: no, it should not.
Tied Positions: Opposition:No, we shouldn't. vs. proposition:Yes, we should.
Winning Position: proposition: it must be banned
Winning Position: opposition: no, it should not.
Winning Position: opposition: no, it should not.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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