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Reward Points:30
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Cancer is somewhat hereditary, but I admit I picked it because I was being lazy. What if I said AIDS?

1 point

Resistance to disease is an evolutionary trait if it can be passed down to one's offspring.

1 point

Humans still compete with other humans. There is always the chance that someone wants to try tweaking the human genome in a laboratory to create an army of super soldiers to take over the world, but I'm not sure of the feasibility of this scenario.

A sane scientist may have less sinister reasons to alter the human genome, for instance curing cancer. Hmm taking over the world and curing cancer these are really generic examples of good and bad science.

Any way my point is there are still reasons to alter the human genome. I'm sure there are reasons to keep it the way it, is but I can't think of any right now.

1 point

There is reasonable evidence that evolution is fact but I've seen very little of it. Besides science should be open to scrutiny.

1 point

Yeah why shouldn't we? We can breed any traits we want into any specimen we want. This would be very beneficial.

1 point

Although I'm not sure that Napolean, Genghis Khan, and Hitler would get along. All the Emperor and Vader have to do is kill Jar Jar.

1 point

Yes, but technically the USS Enterprise is an earth made vessel so Genghis Khan could still use that.

2 points

Look at the structure of the sentence does it make sense if the word curse is replaced with cuss or swear. It is obviously talking about real curses like voodoo and witchcraft. Now maybe the death penalty for use of black magic is a little extreme, but honestly how many kids accidently curse their parents in the original sense of the word. If the verse does in fact refer to curse words then it is grammatically incorrect.

1 point

potato pototo let's call the whole thing off. More words to meet the minimum character requirement.

1 point

Here's an example of how Mexicans don't value Education as highly as Americans.

How can we expect them not to bring more poverty here when they have a high school dropout rate of more than 4 times the average. I realize this statistic is just for New York City, but this is a huge problem for our country's future. If they continue with their values of large families and only about half of them finishing high school then we are going to see negative effects in most sectors of American employment; there will be more competition for low skill jobs making work experience harder to get and wages will be lower. We should do everything in our power to get them to similar graduation levels or send them back.

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Yes, we are.
Winning Position: Darth Vader, Jar Jar, Emporer
Tied Positions: No, war costs too much vs. Yes, Mexico has oil

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"What can I say I'm nerdy guy who loves to argue."

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Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States

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