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RSS GaiusJulius

Reward Points:5
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

You have the nerve to insult Americans over an internet board. Such a cowardly little man you are.

1 point

Military might and numbers does not win wars. The Nazis wreaked havoc when they first implemented their Blitzkrieg strategy. Then their supply lines were stretched far beyond their capacity and they got stonewalled at Stalingrad. Which ultimately led to retreat and defeat.

2 points

"Now it is possible that should a war arise alliances like NATO would manage but it is very doubtul that any single country could beat one with such a great labor for force; such a great human factor."

That is just the thing. If China goes to war with anyone it won't be a single nation. There hasn't been a one-on-one confrontation in centuries.

That great labor force wouldn't do much good in a long term war. If you bomb factories, fuel depot's, ports, railways, etc. you can take bites out of their economy and military production.

Another factor people forget is experience. China hasn't fought anyone in years. In fact I guarantee they don't have enough weapons & supplies to support all those millions of able-bodied men. Countries like America, Great Britain, Canada etc. all have battle-hardened troops with numerous tours of duty under their belt.

1 point

No country is above defeat. Sheer man power and military might alone does not win wars. It may win a couple battles but that is the extent of it. When most people hear the word 'war' they automatically think of the fighting, ground troops, tanks etc. Diplomacy, politics, and all the stuff behind the scenes contribute greatly to a successful military campaign (whether it be offensive or defensive).

Attacking China itself is not impossible but not feasible either. An invasion would result in hundreds of thousands in casualties. Thus it would require a force more than double the D-Day invasion of Normandy in WWII. It's not possible to undertake such a venture alone. Invasion without allies is certain disaster. Which brings me to my next point. If China goes to war with anybody (besides India) then India would almost certainly see it as an opportunity and align themselves against China. Which poses a bit of a problem for China because India's allies can move troops and supplies through India instead of a direct sea-to-land invasion of mainland China.

Another course of action could be utilized over the long term. For example, the U.S. has a superior Navy and Air Force over China. They have bases in Japan and other islands on that side of the world. They could blockade major ports and slowly juice the economy while also bombing vital trade routes (railroads etc.) along with fuel dumps & factories to slow production. If you expect the war to last years it would be wise to hamper their economy in any fashion.

"All warfare is based on deception." - Sun Tzu

What better man to turn to in such a debate than the ancient Chinese general and philosopher. When it comes to war a smart policy is to follow an old saying of Benjamin Franklin, "Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see".

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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