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RSS Granz

Reward Points:16
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

So are you implying that you're one of the 'born with the correct criteria of looking good'? It seems to me that you're not very thoughtful of others. Put yourself in the shoes of the 'people that were not born with the correct criteria of looking good'. Let's say, you're in a dating site then one moment, you're kicked off. Would you feel angry?

1 point

Of course not. Everyone is attractive, it depends on how do you perceive the person. That's what I personally believe.

2 points

It's still possible that Tiger Woods will win again. Not in marriage of course.

1 point

Well, all that matters is whether the 22 Year Old Man will be happy in the new house. It should be a happy occasion for this 22 year old man. :)

2 points

About the "poison shrimp", how can Singapore weaken the bigger country? Will Malaysia help Singapore? What if Malaysia IS the one that attacking Singapore? Who will be left to protect Singapore, other than Singaporeans that are capable of weakening it only?

Maybe Darren and Kishore have passion, they are the ones that are likely to fight for Singapore. But lets say Singapore is losing and both of them are in the brink of death, will they STILL charge and try protect Singapore? I think there's a little chance of them doing so.

2 points

True, that the deaths occur only once in a blue moon. But a death occurring once in a blue moon is still a death. The officers have the role of training the cadets, physically and mentally, but they cannot overstretch the limit of those cadets to the extent that the cadets would die. Of course, it would be insensitive to blow up the death cases to the public. But what if the family allows the public to know?

2 points

Of course Ka Wei, there will be exception of those who will benefit or not.

Precious time wasted:

True, we may learn a lot in NS in 2 years time. But all those qualities does NOT need to be learnt in NS.

In a Battle:

True, that NO machines can replace a human. But they can aid us. We can use them for dangerous purposes such as military purposes to simple things like education purposes.


I admit that this cases may NOT be 100% true. But the officers can do their part by not over stressing the cadets. What lead the cadets to death is excessive training or maybe other things. The officers have the role to train them, yes but not till the extent of deaths.

P.S. Don't worry, I didn't get offended. :D

2 points

I agree on males will be fitter, learn few moral values and new experience. But think of it...

Fitness: MUST it be in NS? Without NS, we still can be fit.

Moral Values: It does NOT need to be in NS. We can learn moral values in school, even your parents can teach you that.

New Experience: The new experience that we learn in NS may not apply to current 21st Century (this depends on your future occupation of course).

2 points

The part of all men are treated, be it rich or poor, equally may be true... to some extent. The trainers may be fair, but the one participating may NOT. They may not argue in front of the trainers but they will have some disputes between all the participants.

1 point

I agree with catticus90.

It is NOT necessary nurture youths to adults, or boys to men with discipline or responsibility through National Service. They may be other ways, such as training them to be responsible from young. It's the best time to teach some manners and responsibility.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Vitorio Pandinata
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Singapore
Religion: Buddhist
Via IM: im[email protected]

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