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RSS IdahoJoe

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

America is headed towards even more troubled times. You simply cannot raise the debt levels like Obama is doing without some serious consequences.

It is time to vote the bums out (again).

1 point

I'm guessing some disgruntled kid started this debate - but what the hay. Of course teen curfew laws are a good idea. Too many little snots are running around as it is, not doing their homework, getting girls pregnant, etc.

And you are mature enough to answer this question yourself too - just ask yourself "when I get thru puberty and get married, will I want my own kids running around the neighborhood like I do?"

Now be a good boy and go to bed - its past your bedtime.

2 points

Doing drugs is wrong - I saw it in a commercial.

But seriously, it is everyone's responsibility to try and maintain a base level in our culture, a certain level of morality. From my own experience growing up in the 60s / 70s - nothing good comes from doing drugs - absolutely nothing. And if my brother is any proof - doing drugs seems to keep a person at an adolescent level of maturity too.

Let me throw a question back at you. Sniffing paint might be wonderful for some - but what possible reason would anyone want to make it legal?

2 points

The possibility of a terrorist escaping is a non-issue. The issue is the political cowardice of some people who think we need to kowtow to our detractors. Personally I could give a damn what France or anyone thinks about America - and it gets tiresome listening to people who do.

Obama has closed Guantanamo and move terrorists into our country, for no good reason.

4 points

I'm guessing you never watched Seinfeld.

The hobbits were made out to be these little children people, and the relationship between Frodo and Sam became uncomfortable for me, the way they looked into each others eyes. They could easily have been trying to get to Brokeback Mountain - instead of Mordor.

I guess I like my heroes to be a little more manly. I feel the same way about the Spiderman movies, if that matters.

0 points

I'm basically saying that population control is a dumb idea - and your response is what again? I'm sorry - I found it hard wading thru all the crap you threw out.

2 points

What a great comeback - thanks! Nonsensical double talk - is that user name already taken?

But seriously - cut the crap and quit reading the talking points for just a moment. My point is that any world hunger going on right now is not due to a lack of food availability in the world - it is because lame-ass people (like yourself?) keep sending money to people in Africa to live in places that don't support life. Or maybe they live in North Korea where hunger is used as a weapon against the people. Etc.

Our world population will grow just as long as their are enough resources for it to happen - and by all accounts it is still growing.

4 points

As a father of two young kids I promote chastity, of course. What else can you do - promote promiscuity, or worse, do nothing?

But speaking as the young man trapped within this older body, it is a dumb question - isn't it? (smile)

3 points

This is one of those questions that shows the person's own mindset by their answer. Ask anyone who lives in the country, and I figure they are much more likely to say "pull the trigger" when it comes to home-grown justice. For instance, God help any burglar who finds their way into my house.

It is the metrosexual types living in the cities who would not dare to stop a mugging-in-progress. They will gladly wait patiently on their cell phones after being placed "on hold" by the operator, than do anything about it.

3 points

I vote for Star Wars because I didn't like the way they made the hobbits into little gay people. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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