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RSS JTorres

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

The bible admits itself that no man has ever seen God. You will need to look at the evidence for Christ to determine if there's a God since He claimed to be God in human form.

1 point

If there is a God, why are some people born with parents who provide them with millions of dollars and trust funds, thereby making it so these people do not have to work?

Well celebrity parents reproduce the same way poor people reproduce. A baby is bound to be born into that rich lifestyle, the same way a baby is bound to be born in a poor lifestyle. People's circumstances don't disprove God, who has nothing to do with it.

Why are people born with deformities?

Scientifically speaking, there are chances where information of a DNA can be absent, resulting into some unwanted traits, but God talks about how people are to use those challenges to humble themselves. Moses couldn't put together a sentence to save his life, but God turned him into perhaps the most prominent prophet in the OT. I was born with pectus excavatum, but I'm not blaming it on God for what He has nothing to do with.

Why are people born gay when it isn't feasible for them to have kids based on biology, causing people who feel this way to face discrimination and problems in life?

That's to assume people are born gay. Karl-Maria Kertbeny coined the word homosexual in a 1868 letter. Throughout all millenia, homosexuality was studied as behavior rather than identity. It wasn't until the sexual revolution began uprising that people were making claims that they were born gay. It's all incredibly inaccurate, and Dr. Andrew Cummings, former president of the APA, had already admitted that gay science was never a thing and the removal of homosexuality from APA studies was due to political pressure. Read "After the Ball".

Why can't some people get jobs, no matter how hard they try?

Why can't some people be rich no matter how hard they try? Read the story of Dani Johnson and then tell me what the word "try" is defined as.

Why do some people escape wars unhurt while others get schrappnel in their back, lose limbs and are stuck with Post Traumatic stress disorder?

Think about this. If you and your spouse went away for the weekend and your 18-year old son kept control at home. You tell him to keep things clean, don’t cause trouble, and keep everything peaceful. 3 days later you come home and you see broken windows, beat up cars, garbage in the yard, money had been stolen, people were put into hospitals because a brawl broke out, and alcohol and drugs laying around because your son threw a party when you were away. You ask him “what did you do? Did you not do what I told you to do?” and your son says “dad, if you never left this wouldn’t have happened.” Do you truly believe you’re going to let that slide as an excuse and take the blame for something that you had 0 responsibilities in? That’s what this particular question seems to be asking, that God if you never gave us control then none of this would have happened.” It’s inexcusable.

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Christ was crucified by the Roman Empire because He was sinless. Talk about bad things happen to good people. Even Jesus had terrible things happen to Him and He was perfect.

Why do some people work their whole lives and become wealthy only to lose their wealth to somebody like Bernard Madoff?

This question should go into the political section.

Why doesn't praying always work?

People pray to get the goodie-goodies from God. The purpose of prayer is to draw closer to God and to get us in the habit of modeling ourselves after Jesus Christ, not to win the power ball or a Ferrari.

Why does mental illness exist?

Christ makes it clear that those who give love their sin will be given up by God to reprobate minds. Paul defines the word “reprobate” to be “resistant to truth” so people who have reprobate minds will give into sin, eventually becoming mental illnesses. Also, psychologists have already admitted they simply listen to a patient and then throw in their 2 cents. Mental illnesses have a very thin scientific foundation but most of it all comes from self-control and checking yourself.

If he or she does exist, why would he choose some people to just get screwed in life while others go onto to have successful happy lives?

In connecting to a previous question of yours, circumstances of people have nothing to do with whether or not God exists. The ones who have the most faith in God are poor people. You’d think they’d be angry at God for their circumstances but I suppose being homeless makes you see things in a different light.

Why do bullies exist?

The same reason killers, liars, and thieves exist. Because the world is drenched with sinful people.

Your disbelief in God is coming from a lack of hope, it seems. I can evaluate further on why Christ is hope but that’s up to you if you want to hear it.

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