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RSS JadenEmir

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Even if we had to pay more for their educational, housing, and hunger needs, it would be worth it due to them bringing in their own unique skills. Sometimes like they say, you lose some to gain some, we lose a few bucks and space, but we would gain their skills (In order to improve our national economy), we would gain the country's trust for us at least trying, we wouldn't be dis-faced as cowards for not letting them in and even if some believe (In our country) it was a mistake, later they will learn it was a huge aid to us. Think about the future, not the present, we always gain something, and lose another. How would this be any different?

1 point

Yeah they are bringing in useful skills in order to help us, we could use more skills that will aid our economy, instead of officials complaining about how immigrants drain resources and how they don't give back to the economy. With the influx of immigrants streaming into the U.S our education systems would go up and the bar of education would be raised, because lets face it, most of our generation doesn't wanna lose in intellect to any foreigners . With increase in intellect, more jobs would be available and fewer people would drain our resources if they have an education.

3 points

Even if we are keeping some terrorists out of the country by blocking refugees, we are also keeping families who need safety and aid out of the country, if this was your family would you want to be denied service of help? You have to think these things from they're point of view, and if ISIS members try to come in, can't we have tests in play to weed them out? We can always apprehend the threats before they happen if we actually think of methods that we can use and agree on in order to put them on the spot and take them out.

1 point

America has the resources, we waste almost as much food as we consume each day and with the food we waste we could help give to AT LEAST 10,000 people. We have more than enough resources and even though we have limited space we have always been able to allow more and more people ( Illegally or Legally) into the U.S and we can always build or place camps along places or give housing like we did with the boys of Sudan. We have the resources, and motivation all we need is the push to do these things, instead of more obstacles to block us.

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