
Debate Info

Allow 10,000 in to the US Do NOT allow them in the US
Debate Score:211
Total Votes:296
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 Allow 10,000 in to the US (47)
 Do NOT allow them in the US (60)

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cfhsaphg(98) pic

Syrian Refugee Crisis 3

"President Obama is sticking by his promise that the U.S. will take some 10,000 refugees in 2016, and even more in 2017 despite the Paris attack." ~Washington Post

Allow 10,000 in to the US

Side Score: 80

Do NOT allow them in the US

Side Score: 131
4 points

America, a wealthy MDC, should allow in refugees and take the burden off of the surrounding areas like Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
McCarthy Disputed
3 points

Would that hurt our economic too. Aren't we like trillions of dollars in debt.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
1 point

Yes, but we end up helping out the rest of the world indirectly through our support of the UN and NATO. We can do so much more if we just directly help the individual refugees.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
brentley Disputed
2 points

It's not America's fault that there is pressure on those areas. It's those specific places fault for letting refugee's in, in the first place. It gave Syrians the illusion that they can be safe inn that specific area. It's not Americas fault.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
2 points

We are supposed to do nothing? You are comfortable with sitting back and watching women and children die? We are not at war with innocent civilians, but apparently you are right now!

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
2 points

You're right on point because the Europeans rejected Syrian refugees in and they need a home to go to

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
AllenBlasian(5) Disputed
1 point

They do need a home to go to but people in America are poor with no living place that have a degree but are still on the streets, what about these loyal citizens that were born in America with no home to go to. Why should we let more people in when we are struggling to support ourselves.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
donaldshaffe(3) Disputed
2 points

In recent studies it has shown that the Syria refugees have contributed to the economies in Lebanon and have boosted it by a small percent. If keeping some of the millions of refugees there can boost an LDC why not leave them there but also support them with supplies.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
TannerSmith3 Disputed
2 points

We already have the most powerful economy in the world, we don't need a little boost.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
1 point

America has the resources, we waste almost as much food as we consume each day and with the food we waste we could help give to AT LEAST 10,000 people. We have more than enough resources and even though we have limited space we have always been able to allow more and more people ( Illegally or Legally) into the U.S and we can always build or place camps along places or give housing like we did with the boys of Sudan. We have the resources, and motivation all we need is the push to do these things, instead of more obstacles to block us.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
TannerSmith3 Disputed
2 points

If we waste so much food then why don't we send it to the camps in Jordan and Lebanon instead of bringing them here.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
hunterb(6) Disputed
2 points

I agree we could send them supplies, but we shouldn't let them into our country potentially risking US lives from terrorists from Syria.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
gabbyarambul(5) Disputed
1 point

Although America is a wealthy MDC we still have a 5.5% unemployment rate plus we run the risk of having ISIS supporters in.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
3 points

We should let at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in the US because it isn't a lot of people in the first place so it wont affect the US that much and it will make the US look good and wont make any enemies between countries. Countries like Jordan and Turkey that are LCD's have let in around 1 million refugees and made massive refugee camps, so why cant we let in a few thousand? Plus we have the resources to let in these refugees. The refugees can also support our economy in plenty of ways.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
hunterb(6) Disputed
2 points

ISIS have said that if we let them in they'll attack us and also it only takes 1 of those 10,000 Syrian refugees to be a ISIS supporter. Just 1 of those 10,000 could cause a terrorist attack and potentially danger US lives.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
maxgordon(4) Disputed
1 point

So do we do nothing and sit there? We have to do something about this problem and if we let them in they will be much safer for the refugees.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
gabbyarambul(5) Disputed
2 points

We are giving Syrian refugees $419 million of our tax dollars. Plus 13% of those people could support ISIS creating a higher risk for the United States to be attacked.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
2 points

We should let in Syrian refugees. Of the almost 3,000 refugees we've taken in only 66 people have been arrested for terrorist activity and not all of those were even refugees. Not to mention the year and a half of verification done by the FBI for every refugee, including continuing to run one's information through terrorist databases even after they get in. And now the Supreme Court made it even harder to get in, making it so that the director of the FBI needs to sign off on every new refugee. Although it is not possible to completely get rid of the risk, it is very hard for a terrorist to get in and it is worth the small risk.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
TannerSmith3 Disputed
3 points

It only takes one person to carry out a terrorist attack and 66 of the people we have already let in are connected to terrorist activity. Since we are set to let in 10,000, how would we address about 200 people related to terrorist activity.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
JakeJos(5) Disputed
1 point

Sure it only takes one person to carry out a terrorist attack, but remember, the only 66 people who were terrorists were arrested. The vetting system is working. Not only that, but France was attacked and they are still letting Syrians in.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
alexhatesyou(4) Disputed
2 points

Okay then proportionally if we let 10,000 refugees in we let in 220 terrorists. This opens us up to killing thousands of Americans.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
2 points

The United States has one of the worlds strictest systems for checking backgrounds of refugees, so if the US were to let 10,000 in to the US there wouldn't be much of a problem. Another reason the US could let 10,000 in to the US is because most of the Syrian refugees have a good education.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
TannerSmith3 Disputed
2 points

All it takes is one ISIS member to infiltrate themselves into the US and they could do an incredible amount of damage.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
AllenBlasian(5) Disputed
2 points

The United States has a strict background check due to the amount of terrorist leaking into the state, but still many are poring into the nation so if we have these background checks how come there are still attacks happening from U.S. Citizens. Even U.S. Citizens are converting to the ISIS cause so why would we let Syrians in to influence that cause even more

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
MacallMil(5) Disputed
1 point

Just because they are educated does not mean they can't cause harm. Actually it makes it more likely.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
TrumpsHair(310) Disputed
1 point

Violent methods are used less the more educated one becomes.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
2 points

Syrian refugees should be allowed into the United States, most people that would be trying to get into the United States are women and children. More than 6.6 million people are injured already and the number will only increase if we don't allow those innocent people a place to flee to. Germany has already excepted over 800,000 refugees and that seemed to be their limit. All we are expected to take in are a little over 10,000. This is definitely under our limit of refugees we can take in at one time.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
andrews(4) Disputed
1 point

They actually didnt except 800,00, they realised it was wrong and backed out.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
hunterb(6) Disputed
1 point

There are women terrorists in ISIS? Just one of those 10,000 refugees could be a supporter of ISIS and potentially kill American lives, so why should we put our own citizens in danger for something that doesn't affect us.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
MacallMil(5) Disputed
1 point

Just because they are injured does not mean they don't have the ability to cause violence.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
1 point

The United States should let in 10,000 Syrian refugee's. Most of the refugee's are women and children. To back this up, the United Nations’ figures show women, outnumber men, and children 11 years old and younger, male and female, account for 38.5 percent of all refugees. Women and children are less likely to harm the American public. The refugee's could also benefit our economy. Among Syrian immigrants, 39 percent have college degrees, a higher percentage than native-born populations, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
alexhatesyou(4) Disputed
1 point

So because they're educated women they can't commit terrorist attacks?? The people who caused 9/11 were very smart.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
MacallMil(5) Disputed
1 point

It doesn't matter if they affect the economy well if it causes ISIS to react.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
NashTrump(4) Disputed
1 point

They will take our jobs. ......................................................

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
1 point

We should at least allow 10,000 refugees in. Being a MCD the U.S should be able to economically support and gain from them. Other countries have let in about 2 million. Yeah terrorism is an issue, but the U.S would still politically look bad for letting thousands of Syrians die from migration efforts.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
1 point

It is morally correct that Syrian Refugees be allowed into the United States.

OK. To Americans, I'm going to sound like the grinch at a Christmas party here. I can't blame them: who wants to hear that their country is the problem causing this refugee crisis to intensify? No one. And yet that is what is happening. I am a legal resident of the United States, and I have been lately horrified by the current administration issuing travel bans on refugees. Actually, this problem is partly America's fault. The United States is acting the same way every imperialist country ever acted in history. Why was the Cold War fought in proxy wars instead of a gigantic, single war fought in either the USSR or the United States? The answer is that both countries didn't want their countries to be destroyed, but they had to settle a dispute somehow. So what do they do? They ravage the Middle East, Korea, and Vietnam. Do they care what happens to those countries? No! Not at all! Do you think they lie awake in bed every night thinking about what they did? No! Absolutely not! Why did the US fight the Korean war? Not to protect South Korea. (Actually, if the US hadn't intervened, Korea would still be unified and we wouldn't have the DPRK missile crisis.) To protect themselves. Why did the US try to put SADDR (missile detection systems) and missiles in Korea? To protect South Korea? No! They just want to protect themselves. If nuclear missiles explode over Korea and millions die from the radiation, why should the United States care? Guam wasn't attacked. Syria was messed up by other imperialist countries and the United States has a moral obligation to help the people that powerful nations have displaced. G7 should stop complaining about the 'refugee crisis': it's all their fault! True, some problems in Syria are internal. But those internal problems may have been prevented if it weren't for external conflicts. Why is Africa still underdeveloped? Because of the 'scramble for Africa'! True, many African countries have internal problems-but those aren't entirely their fault. It is therefore ethically correct that Syrian refugees be allowed into the United States without much trouble.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
0 points

America should take in Syrian refugees because the state of Jordan is an LDC and they have already taken in 937,000 refugees and they are open for more. While America is an MDC and so far we have not taken in any refugees. Jordan has a population of 6.459 million and America's population is 318.9 million.

Supporting Evidence: Use your sources. (
Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
TannerSmith3 Disputed
2 points

So why shouldn't we increase our support for refugee camps over there rather than endanger American lives and spend more American tax dollars bringing them over here.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
Donovan Disputed
0 points

If we send support over there, ISIS will soon learn and then they can start targeting us more because they see us as a potential threat to them.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
alexhatesyou(4) Disputed
2 points

Jordan has taken in that many refugees but they are in horrible conditions. America is helping by sending over money and resources.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
NashTrump(4) Disputed
1 point

Bringing them in will hurt our economy. .................

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
TrumpsHair(310) Clarified
1 point

How so?

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
0 points

I support this in many ways cause America has a lot of opportunity and we can always take in more people and relive stress off of LDC's.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
-1 points

These refugees are bringing over opportunity to our work force. Nearly eighty-six percent of Syrian refugees have secondary or university educations. We don't just have potato farmers coming in we have educated immigrants who can contribute to economy

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
McCarthy Disputed
1 point

We have a lot of people in the US have good education. Also they don't have jobs that meet their education level. We have enough smart people in America.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
1 point

Yeah they are bringing in useful skills in order to help us, we could use more skills that will aid our economy, instead of officials complaining about how immigrants drain resources and how they don't give back to the economy. With the influx of immigrants streaming into the U.S our education systems would go up and the bar of education would be raised, because lets face it, most of our generation doesn't wanna lose in intellect to any foreigners . With increase in intellect, more jobs would be available and fewer people would drain our resources if they have an education.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
gabbyarambul(5) Disputed
1 point

In America 5.5% of the United States citizens are unemployed so allowing the refugees in would take away our limited job opportunities.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
AllenBlasian(5) Disputed
1 point

They do have degrees but some active American people with degrees are still poor with no job so with an influx of people into America it is not guaranteed they will all get jobs so we will have a higher rate of people trying to support a higher population when already our government is going down

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
Shane_V Disputed
0 points

So you want the immigrants to take our jobs??????????????????????????????

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
6 points

America should not let in the Syrian refugees. I'd say this because 13% of Syrian refugees have positive thoughts about ISIS. If you do the math and the US were going to allow in 10,000, that's potentially 1,300 ISIS followers allowed into our country.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
emily_w7(4) Disputed
1 point

To bring up what you said about the high number of ISIS followers from our 'shipment' of 10,000. Germany has taken in way more than 10,000 refugees (800,000) and no ISIS attacks so far. Although ISIS has openly admitted to coming in along with the refugees there is still a bgger number of innocent people coming in.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
athena123(4) Disputed
1 point

If the United States is planning on letting in 10,00 refugee's and you're saying 1,300 of them would be ISIS followers, wouldn't that mean 8,700 refugee's could potentially help the economy? Also, wouldn't we perform background checks on them?

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
1 point

Re: "wouldn't that mean 8,700 refugee's could potentially help the economy?

How, by getting a welfare check and spending it to stimulate the economy?

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
BigOats(1449) Disputed
1 point

Just a small group of ISIS followers were a nightmare for France.

Imagine what 1300 of them could do.

And no, there is almost no way to do a real background check, for the simple reason that USA and Syria are hostile towards each other and do not share intel.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
BChes_Ma_Boi(3) Disputed
-1 points

The US have one of the strictest background checks against refugees, so that many ISIS followers would be allowed into the US.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
MikeM592(3) Disputed
1 point

Even with some of the "strictest" background checks there is no way to discern someones belief. Right now I could say I am Muslim and you cannot disprove that in anyway. With beliefs being something only you can know no amount of background checks can stop the ISIS infiltrators who are easily disguised as refugees.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
5 points

America should not allow Syrian refugees in because 1,300 out of 10,000 people (13%) think positively or be a part of ISIS.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
Ari_Worthy(4) Disputed
2 points

Ok, but not every Syrian is a part of ISIS. They are just trying to escape the persecutions in Syria.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
1 point

This is a good rebuttal. Nice point bringing up that not all Syrians are a part of ISIS and that they are trying to escape persecution from their homeland.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
iencourage(2) Disputed
1 point


It's simple. Just because 13% of Syrian refugees support ISIS doesn't mean that they're terrorists. In fact, about 6 million Syrian refugees have been fleeing the country since internal conflicts arose.

If all of them were terrorists, we wouldn't stand a chance.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
4 points

The United States should not let Syrian Refugees in due to the large terrorist population in this area. Plus the influx of people our economy can not support the rapid growing population if we lift our borders. Such as the China population, where the government put in place a birth rate per person, if we lift our borders we will eventually reach a resource crisis and a terrorist crisis and leading our government to crash. Like the Jordan refugee camp people are dyeing due to the lack of resources in that area. America can eventually lead to this cause due to the rapid growing population if we lift the borders, because the Syrians will keep coming if we allow just a little to come in (The European situation)

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
1 point

If we do nothing, than we will end up aiding other countries since we are all globally connected. Why not help the individual refugees directly?

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
Donovan Disputed
1 point

Terrorism can happen anywhere, AllenBlasian. We are only lifting our borders to 10,000 refugees. We are most likely not going to take in more than 50,000 refugees.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
Mr_k(2) Disputed
0 points

First, you need to be at one with scrolling through the facts because ;2,234 Syrian refugees have been admitted to the United States since October 1, 2010 (the beginning of fiscal year 2011), and only after the most extensive level of security screening of any category of traveler to the United States. None have been arrested or removed on terrorism charges.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
4 points

With ISIS promising to infiltrate the refugee pool and over 4000 covert terrorists in place "awaiting" orders, letting the refugees in will endanger American lives. With the ease that ISIS has been able to recruit current American citizens imagine the ease they convert people with a more similar religion. ISIS has made good on every promise so far and I would no try them in this way. What should really be done is sending of help to the refugees and the European states that border the ocean. by helping countries like Greece deal with the large influx of immigrants we can help make a difference without risking the lives of American citizens. The economic burden placed on money from taxpayers will be more if we accept the refugees, as we have to pay for more things like extra education food and housing than if we just give a set sum of money. This will also satisfy the (dumb) Americans that think the Muslims are all in a pact to overtake us by overwhelming the Western population with many children. Even though letting 10,000 in will have no affect on American culture the majority will end up be terrorists that we pay for to get here and harm our own citizens!!!! Overall we can be more helpful with foreign aid than accepting possible enemies of our country in and paying for their livelihood and education!!!

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
Mr_k(2) Disputed
1 point

Like I said earlier we could do security to see if the people coming to the united states are good or bad

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
JadenEmir(4) Disputed
1 point

Even if we had to pay more for their educational, housing, and hunger needs, it would be worth it due to them bringing in their own unique skills. Sometimes like they say, you lose some to gain some, we lose a few bucks and space, but we would gain their skills (In order to improve our national economy), we would gain the country's trust for us at least trying, we wouldn't be dis-faced as cowards for not letting them in and even if some believe (In our country) it was a mistake, later they will learn it was a huge aid to us. Think about the future, not the present, we always gain something, and lose another. How would this be any different?

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
3 points

One of the attacker in the Paris terrorist attack. Ahmed come over acting like a refugee. In the Paris attack 129 people died and 349 injured.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
JakeJos(5) Disputed
2 points

Even though there was a terrorist attack, France is still taking in refugees. They've actually experienced an attack and we should act more afraid and hide behind our boarders?

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
McCarthy Disputed
3 points

We put money into the borders actually use them. If we let them in them we will have more unemployment rate.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
Donovan Disputed
2 points

Terrorism can happen anywhere. Terrorism is defined the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims through terror. Any shooters can be terrorists.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
1 point

Donovan, this is a good statement. Terrorism is defined as what you stated and in most cases, terrorist attacks on US soil are from right-wing extremists and other radical groups of whites, although in the media they aren't coined as terrorists (though they should be) because of their race.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
3 points

In the Preamble of the Constitution, the words "insure domestic tranquility" and "provide for the common defense." If we allow Syrian refugees into the United States, we would not be living up to the words our founders said and would be endangering American lives.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
3 points

It is the main goal of the POTUS to ensure American's safety!

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
JakeJos(5) Disputed
3 points

Our vetting process is rigorous enough, as they need to go through screening by multiple agencies and the director of the FBI needs to sign off on each one. And less then 1 percent of refugees were arrested as terrorists. It's worth the risk.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
1 point

i didnt even think about anything along those lines. Thisis a good point considering this country's back bone is the constitution.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
3 points

21 percent of Syrians support ISIS, as many as 4.6 million would be supporters. With a portion entering if decided to to so.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
Mr_k(2) Disputed
2 points

Keep in mind, all refugees of all nationalities considered for admission to the United States undergo a rigorous security screening involving multiple federal intelligence, security and law enforcement agencies, such as the National Counterterrorism Center, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Departments of Homeland Security, State and Defense, in order to ensure that those admitted are not known to pose a threat to our country

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
1 point

A lot of Syrians have a good education and as soon as they would enter then they would start working so there is a higher percentage of Syrians that would not deal with ISIS.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
1 point

This is a great fact an shows the extent of terrorists that could infiltrate the refugee pool!

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
3 points

There is no way that the US can properly screen 10,000 Syrian refugees. ISIS has blatantly said that is we let in refugees, they will come. Even if only 1% of the refugees are terrorists, those 100 people can cause thousands of deaths.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
2 points

But not letting in those refugees from their violent civil war can cause hundreds of thousands of deaths even if they are not trying to be in this war.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
alexhatesyou(4) Disputed
1 point

So we're going to risk the lives of our citizens for people we don't even know?

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
3 points

Americans shooting other Americans is a new trend in the US as of the later years. Incidents like the Charleston shooting, Abortion Clinic domestic terrorist attacks, all the school shootings, it is evident that mentally unstable people (even Americans) will go out and kill others. If the Syrian refugees enter the United States the people similar to who shot up Planned Parenthood (don't want to say their names) will surely attack the new refugees that enter the US.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
JakeJos(5) Disputed
1 point

Yes, because the prospect of almost definite death is better than the same chance of attack as any other american.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
NashTrump(4) Disputed
1 point

The refugees will have to deal with the cultural aspect is my main point a new form of racism is already evident in America. The terrorist point is to insight fear to the people that make the changes this will definitely happen if the refugees come in.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
maxgordon(4) Disputed
1 point

But if we do nothing then it can create arguments and war between other countries for not doing anything about this crisis.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
Ari_Worthy(4) Disputed
1 point

I agree, If we just sit back what would America look like!?

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
3 points

I understand its nice and the right thing to do or whatever to let them in but think about the actual facts. Were only helping ten thousand out of the millions in need. I don't think letting them in is the correct course of action, i believe helping them in their homeland would be the best option. We could even help throw Assad out of power, and help the state come to better terms. With the homeland fixed and a safe place now, a lot of the refuges could go back home. These people are smart, with the correct man in power they could become a great, wealthy nation, and they could over throw ISIS.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
maxgordon(4) Disputed
1 point

But then we can create arguments between countries and potentially go to war with countries like Russia that are Allies with Syria and Assad

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
emily_w7(4) Disputed
1 point

You're right we would only be helping 10,000 people but what about the places like Germany that are taking in 800,000? They know that there isn't a country that's gonna take them all in they also know that they will have to go to different places and those places have their limits. We already are trying to help them by sending them stuff and it's obviously not working if they're still leaving. When you say that things would be better if they had the right guy in charge you do know that all of this started cause they tried to get one right? This whole conflict started because they didn't want Assad and now he's scaring them out of 'his' country.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
3 points

More than 4,000 trained gunman have been smuggled into Europe already.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
emily_w7(4) Disputed
1 point

Yea but Europe has taken in a lot more than 10,000 refugees. We would only be taking in 10,000 and with the number of them that went to Europe I'm surprised they didn't find more than 4,000

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
2 points

With ISIS promising to infiltrate the refugee pool and over 4000 covert terrorists in place "awaiting" orders, letting the refugees in will endanger American lives. With the ease that ISIS has been able to recruit current American citizens imagine the ease they convert people with a more similar religion. ISIS has made good on every promise so far and I would no try them in this way. What should really be done is sending of help to the refugees and the European states that border the ocean. by helping countries like Greece deal with the large influx of immigrants we can help make a difference without risking the lives of American citizens. The economic burden placed on money from taxpayers will be more if we accept the refugees, as we have to pay for more things like extra education food and housing than if we just give a set sum of money. This will also satisfy the (dumb) Americans that think the Muslims are all in a pact to overtake us by overwhelming the Western population with many children. Even though letting 10,000 in will have no affect on American culture the majority will end up be terrorists that we pay for to get here and harm our own citizens!!!! Overall we can be more helpful with foreign aid than accepting possible enemies of our country in and paying for their livelihood and education!!!

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
2 points

We can provide foreign aid, but how does that help the long term need? They will need homes, jobs, schooling, etc. Just sending money does not solve these problems if the resources are not present.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
MikeM592(3) Disputed
1 point

Until we find a way to deal with the problem of ISIS infiltrators in the refugee pool we will need to help out from the sideline and not risk lives to help others. Americans should put their own citizens before others.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
Shane_V Disputed
1 point

Doesn't allowing foreigners into our country count as foreign aid?? Besides even if they do stand by what they say they are already in the united states. So instead of letting people DIE. give them a chance to live for once!

-JG~ :D :3 :P

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
1 point

Good job Mike. I agree with most of your points in this argument.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
1 point

ISIS has publicly announced that they will be coming to the United States. So I believe that letting Syrian refugees in would be a direct gateway to ISIS terrorists. Sure, terrorism itself is inevitable but keeping Syrians out could prevent more possible terrorists on top of the possible ones we already have.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
4 points

I agree with you because ISIS normally attacks were they say they are.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
JadenEmir(4) Disputed
3 points

Even if we are keeping some terrorists out of the country by blocking refugees, we are also keeping families who need safety and aid out of the country, if this was your family would you want to be denied service of help? You have to think these things from they're point of view, and if ISIS members try to come in, can't we have tests in play to weed them out? We can always apprehend the threats before they happen if we actually think of methods that we can use and agree on in order to put them on the spot and take them out.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
brentley Disputed
2 points

Those "tests" are never a sure way to "weed them out". It's impossible to know for sure whether or not they are terrorists. I might consider your argument if in the past we were able to apprehend such threats. But we have had many terrorists attacks on the United States which shows it's not possible to stop terrorism. But it is possible to prevent it by shutting possible hostile people out of the United States.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
1 point

We are supposed to turn away women and children because of a "threat" of terrorism? We have American terrorists in America that are killing people.

Side: Allow 10,000 in to the US
brentley Disputed
2 points

Yes, we do have terrorist in America already. So like I said, why would you let in more potential terrorists? Whether they are men, women, or children. They could all be possible threats.

Side: Do NOT allow them in the US