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RSS Jammy4U

Reward Points:15
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Well, now that we've discovered the source of the raging inflation catastrophe we know that all the nation has to do is;- STOP EATING MEAT.

This might well be difficult for you given how far down your oesophagus Donald Trump has managed to push his lunch meat. Does he occasionally let you up for air?

1 point

There's a supply chain crisis caused by the pandemic. It is happening all over the world, dopey.

But hey, let's run with your bullshit. Under Joe we got higher rates of inflation. Under Trump we got armed terrorists storming the capitol building. And guess which one you are complaining about? Ahaha!!!

The Federal Reserve is responsible for managing inflation anyway, not Biden. Kind of weird how little you understand about politics.

1 point

Who is this Nom and why do you think he's downvoting your posts? Your posts are probably being downvoted because they are being written by a nasty little imbecile who lies about being Jewish.

1 point

Now, now nomshit, you're only becoming more and more transparent with every crazed utterance.

Your walls of caps lock and bold font only serve to expose you as the complete fucking lunatic you are bud. You're literally more insane than a Tom Cruise birthday party.

1 point

hate filled motherfucker

You are slandering me with words like "motherfucker" and "Nazi" while at the same time bizarrely claiming I am the one who is filled with hate. Everything about you is ridiculous and everything you type is complete nonsense.

If you hate Jews

Do you struggle with reading plain English? You aren't Jewish you stupid little twit. Don't dare accuse me of hating Jews simply for pointing out that you aren't Jewish you horrible little man.

1 point

I'm exposing a deranged maniac

We can certainly agree on that, pal.

1 point

Everyone is a fascist, a Nazi, a Hilterite.

You've been accusing everyone of being someone called "Nom" in every post for the last two days you insane super-hypocrite.

1 point

Holy Spider-Man, you're one hell of a good hanger-on.

Do you ever shut your mouth long enough to stop dribbling stupid all over your clothes?

1 point

Everyone is a fascist, a Nazi, a Hilterite.

You and Bronto are both Nazis, and you will remain Nazis however many different accounts you open to disseminate your putrid ideology.

1 point

you miserable Nazi

Oh shut up you fake Jew imbecile. I'm on the far left, not the far right. If you claim to be a baker but you don't bake then you're not a baker, and slandering the guy who points that out only proves that you're a worthlessly dishonest, no good piece of shit.

Jammy4U has not yet created any debates.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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