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RSS Jamstamanify

Reward Points:41
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10 most recent arguments.

seriously why do you believe the bible if you think it is all lies by your own logic

Jesus was always a Jew he never converted to any religion so I don't know what your trying to say

well then you are very very silly, just because someone who is important says something does not mean it's true that is a totalitarian and dogmatic belief

read the evil bibles page "what would Jesus do?" all of my facts are backed up. It's not like it's something atheists can't comprehend it's just obviously not written by some one with even a small amount of knowledge by today's standards even my little sister knows that witches don't exist and the Earth isn't at the centre of the universe! if you believe that about the bible why the hell do you read it? you should disregard everything it says as it was written by cave dwelling sheep shaggers who believed in witches

what's it like being a satanist? do you worship satan or is it more like angry buddhism?

you don't choose what you are emotionally attached to, your starting to sound like a Christian now

also that means it wasn't written by God so why the hell do you believe in any of the bullshit?

but the courts are intolerant, it is better to stop them and will cause more tolerance if you did stop them no?

intolerance is subjective I think, shouting "I'll kill you faggots!" at children is extremely intolerant, stopping Sharia law courts because they are unjust is far different I think.

2 points

they aren't, they are trying to kill you! being an atheist is a death sentence in some countries

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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