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RSS Joe-King

Reward Points:4
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3 points

Closing: Going to war with Britain would cause more harm than good with the current state of the nation. The country is still young and needs to mature. If you choose to see things in a light where Britain and France do not take America seriously as a nation, we need to take a closer look. It is not because of fighting to prove our independence, we have already demonstrated that on the field of battle. It is simply because we are a young nation, new to the world. I feel it would be wise to maintain our policy of neutrality, and avoid foreign conflicts. However when it comes to commerce, the more countries to trade with the better. Unlike some other nations like Britain and France we do not have smaller colonies and territories that we are able to depend upon for shipments of goods and supplies. In addition I see there is a limited possibility where we would emerge victorious from such a war, is it really a good idea to test this. We can always seek to settle things in a civilized manner with negotiations.

2 points

I would like to agree. It would be foolish to wage a naval war with Britain, we are hopelessly out manned and outgunned. I am also going to raise the point that international trade is crucial for any country no matter how developed it is. The state of our nations infrastructure does not help with this making trade between individual states arduous and far from efficient. Trade is something that we need to maintain this country, it allows for the export of goods to sustain the lives of many people as well as our government.

4 points

Responding to your first point. The British even acknowledged that their actions at sea were wrong in character. Also to prevent this from happening in the future we do not need to declare war, we should simply grow as a nation. This would mean policing our coastlines and ports better, that way other nations respect our claim to sovereignty and respect us.

3 points

I would like to say that the only way for there to be a violation of our neutrality policy, it would be done in part by us. By that I mean that we would have to openly declare war upon Great Britain. These issues with the British can still be reconciled through negotiations. I am not going to promote that we do so, since I support Washington's ideas of neutrality.

5 points

All I can say are what would our real benefits from going to war with Britain really be? I will admit that foreign relations between our two nations have not been stellar as of recent days, but is that not subject to change and evolution. I for one, a merchant, of the city of Boston do not wish to see us go to war.

1. We have already proved our independence from Britain, must we really go to war to do it again. What we really need is to gain their respect, we can achieve that through other means. Namely through negotiations. Yes Britain has failed to uphold parts of our former treaty, but surely we should be able to solve that in a civilized manner. Our country is home to some of the greatest political figures of our time, and even those before us. Surely we can use their abilities, to settle things between our two quarreling nations. Not all wars need to be fought on the battlefield.

2. Do we really need to capture Canada? This would be a waste of resources for our country. We already have so much open and unexplored space to the west. Do we really need to conquer more territory, especially when so much of our own is hardly occupied. Not to mention that Canada is also sparsely populated. Surely we could make a better use of our Nation's resources by strengthening our borders. If we show a greater presence along our coastlines, we could avoid mishaps with other Nations.

It is my opinion that we can resolve these issues, without spilling the blood the blood of our fellow countrymen. We will be able to maintain our own lands and have a greater government in place. Compared to a spread out, and very sparsely populated countryside. Realistically we stand to gain more from avoiding a conflict with Britain.

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