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Reward Points:16
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

no as long as you and your partner love each other in the same way age does not matter and if you respect each other in the same way you love your parents age does not matter in relationships

1 point

computers have flexible learning times

whereas teachers are have time limits and will not always be there when you need her .teachers are also human beings they also have a personal life an families to be with {food for thought}

1 point

do computers have the same impact of level of understanding compared to teachers ? no !!! computers just relay info but teachers actually make a child to understand the subject they r learning . computers don not have feelings or emotions so if the child is having problems at home and they are affecting his or her performance at school a computer can not do anything to assist that child whereas a teacher can have a meeting with the child"s parents and can actually make up a plan that wont affect the child"s performance at school or the teacher can act as either a mother or father figure to the child and can actually encourage the child to work hard so that he can prevail academically {food for thought everyone }

1 point

it should be useful educative and should be similar to this create debate

2 points

yes indeed i love to read because it improves my language and it keeps me out of trouble which i used to get into a lot

1 point

I really do think that God exists because there would be no humans on earth and i would not be typing this write now.I certainly do not believe that humans evolved or that there was a big bang and suddenly there were humans.Even demons know that God exists otherwise why do people manifested with demons beg for mercy when they are being cast out of people and why did the demon of legion cry and beg to get into the pigs when he saw Jesus, which proves as a fact that God exists and even the devil and his followers know it

1 point

look up illuminati members and sanists in our community and we will talk again

1 point

yes they are as you can see that there is an increase of satanist's killing our people just for the sake of drinking their blood which is unrully

1 point

this is absolutely true as a Christian i believe in the bible as it says wrong doers will not inherit the kingdom of the Almighty Lord

1 point

how do you know that it doesn't exist no one has been to heaven or hell it lies in what you believe and God didn't create Adam and Eve for them to be homosexuals and sleeping or getting married to a person your sex is unruly and at some stage you will definitely feel out of place and in what i believe heaven and hell do exist so being you i wouldn't call God an absolute .............. because he is the one who made sure that you exist because if it wasn't for God there would have been no humans and none of these privileges like phones and stuff wouldn't be there if it wasn't for God but that is what i believe and i don't know about you.

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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