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RSS MartinaM

Reward Points:2
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Why do people act like jerks?

a. to be rude and gain pleasure/respect for oneself

b. to annoy the other person

c. they act like jerks unwillingly, it is their natural character. your opinion is that they are a jerk.

d. because you're ignorant.

e. to defend themselves

f+. other

1 point

Yes, I can say the word hypocrite. If you would like to discuss about another topic, please make your description clearer. Your title, also.

1 point

There are two ways to look at cooking

One is following a set of instructions and engineering a result (meal) from a set of inputs or material (ingredients) and by following the rules (recipe) and condition (humidity, air pressure etc) exactly and repeatedly the results should always be the same. This would be a way of seeing cooking as a science. It is this approach that leads us to buy a product we know from the supermarket and know exactly what we should expect it to be like - it should be the same as last time.

If you look at the creative part of cooking where either an individual chooses a selection of ingredients and cooking methods to create a desired end result, it is more of an art. This is similar to the artist using paint color and technique to create a painting or a writer doing the same with words and grammar. Both the painter and the writer are using tools to create not recreate and the result is subjectively successful - the great chefs, painters and writers are deemed to be great because they create something others love and admire. This makes cooking an art.

Therefore, if cooking is an art, and cooking produces food, food is an art.


Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth.

I rest my case.

1 point

With the pull of a trigger on a gun, you can kill a human being. Therefore, guns are dangerous. I rest my case.

1 point

I believe in Cupid, therefore everyone is not an atheist.

I rest my case.

MartinaM has not yet created any debates.

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Gender: Girl
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Religion: Catholic

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