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RSS MediaKids1M

Reward Points:12
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1 point

Still regarding the influence of media on what children and teenagers do and buy, watch these videos. The first one says: "Vult, sua melhor amiga", that supposes that the make-up is your best friend and without it, the boy wouldn't notice the girl. The second one treats pimples as the worst thing in the world, and as something teenagers should feel ashamed of. (The videos are in Portuguese).

1 point

The mass media influences a lot kids and teenagers. Because of this influence, many of them are trying to fit the standards established by media. For example, girls trying to loose weight and wearing make-up very early. The media, indeed, dictates what is beautiful and what you have to do to look beautiful. Unfortunately, many children believe that what media transmit for them is "the best" and "the true", and they do everything to follow it and reach that standard.

Guys, read the text that follows and give your opinion: Does the media contribute for a sexualization of girls? Does the media make children want to "look older" than they are? Do you support the attitude of that girl (Sophie)? Do you agree with her mother?

Supporting Evidence: Make-up tattoos for a 14-year-old girl (
1 point

During the discussion about Mass media influence on children's development, some people have commented that the major problem is the education, how parents are preparing kids to receive ‘standards’ and make their own choices. Parents should observe and lead the children’s development. However, it is important to observe, as Tatiana 1M, that we cannot generalize that all “parents are able to evaluate the real consequences of such influence”, some don’t evaluate its possible problems or just agree, convictional, with what is passed by media.

Therefore, in this second round of debate, we want to discuss different points of view about the issue, from government, parents and kids among others.

Sometimes the kids are not the real public of some advertisements, however they also watch it. In Spain, advertisements about aesthetics and body, before 10pm, are banned:

Do you think the kids are influenced by these advertisements?

Do you think the government can prohibit the advertisements? Do you think are they really worried about children and possible influences of media? Or are they interfering on parents’ responsibilities?

What do you think about banning advertisements of aesthetics companies?

Narayan Porto, Thais Trindade, Vanessa Carmo.

1 point

People have said that parent's interference makes the difference on children's choices. There are no doubts about it. However, we have to consider that children's world, nowadays, is not made only by the parents. They are as connected to the world as an adult. They have the world in their hands, they are connected by means of communication... And this connection works as an educational authority, influencing them to build their personality according to what is acceptable for the strict standarts of "right" and "wrong". The media is behind it. Certainly, it is not explicit, but it is there. Some people have realized that the media influence on children life have been too massive, too manipulative, so the issue has been discussed.

In the following article, there are different points of view about the same question considering the matter in our country. There is also a study, by the ESPM professor João Matta, about media action. Look and give your opinion: Are they looking at the question by the correct angle?Will their proposals solve the problem if is there some? Crescer/0,,EMI21877-15546,00.html"

Moderators: Narayan Porto, Thaís Trindade, Vanessa Carmo

1 point

Disregard this post, please. Login wrong. I will make the login with my personal user.

MediaKids1M(12) Clarified
1 point

So for us to discuss more this topic and in a "centrered way" (as you said) here it is a text from BBC NEWS. Check out!

Moderators: Narayan Porto, Thaís Trindade, Vanessa Carmo.

Supporting Evidence: "Should we not dress girls in pink? " (
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