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RSS MikeM592

Reward Points:3
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

This is a great fact an shows the extent of terrorists that could infiltrate the refugee pool!

1 point

Until we find a way to deal with the problem of ISIS infiltrators in the refugee pool we will need to help out from the sideline and not risk lives to help others. Americans should put their own citizens before others.

1 point

Even with some of the "strictest" background checks there is no way to discern someones belief. Right now I could say I am Muslim and you cannot disprove that in anyway. With beliefs being something only you can know no amount of background checks can stop the ISIS infiltrators who are easily disguised as refugees.

4 points

With ISIS promising to infiltrate the refugee pool and over 4000 covert terrorists in place "awaiting" orders, letting the refugees in will endanger American lives. With the ease that ISIS has been able to recruit current American citizens imagine the ease they convert people with a more similar religion. ISIS has made good on every promise so far and I would no try them in this way. What should really be done is sending of help to the refugees and the European states that border the ocean. by helping countries like Greece deal with the large influx of immigrants we can help make a difference without risking the lives of American citizens. The economic burden placed on money from taxpayers will be more if we accept the refugees, as we have to pay for more things like extra education food and housing than if we just give a set sum of money. This will also satisfy the (dumb) Americans that think the Muslims are all in a pact to overtake us by overwhelming the Western population with many children. Even though letting 10,000 in will have no affect on American culture the majority will end up be terrorists that we pay for to get here and harm our own citizens!!!! Overall we can be more helpful with foreign aid than accepting possible enemies of our country in and paying for their livelihood and education!!!

2 points

With ISIS promising to infiltrate the refugee pool and over 4000 covert terrorists in place "awaiting" orders, letting the refugees in will endanger American lives. With the ease that ISIS has been able to recruit current American citizens imagine the ease they convert people with a more similar religion. ISIS has made good on every promise so far and I would no try them in this way. What should really be done is sending of help to the refugees and the European states that border the ocean. by helping countries like Greece deal with the large influx of immigrants we can help make a difference without risking the lives of American citizens. The economic burden placed on money from taxpayers will be more if we accept the refugees, as we have to pay for more things like extra education food and housing than if we just give a set sum of money. This will also satisfy the (dumb) Americans that think the Muslims are all in a pact to overtake us by overwhelming the Western population with many children. Even though letting 10,000 in will have no affect on American culture the majority will end up be terrorists that we pay for to get here and harm our own citizens!!!! Overall we can be more helpful with foreign aid than accepting possible enemies of our country in and paying for their livelihood and education!!!

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