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RSS MohamedAS

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

I disagree with your dispute because you are stating that this option is inexpensive when in reality it is not, the Ilisu project alone will cost $38,000,000, and I believe that it is not worth it to kill your economy for 2% of electricity in which you could create with other ways, which would be less expensive and more eco-friendly.

1 point

I disagree with your argument because you are stating that people will be getting new homes after the old ones have been destroyed, but in reality yes people will be getting new homes, but they will have to pay for them, which some families can not afford, as well as some houses do not fit the needs of families, such as providing sheds for livestock, etc. It would be the same as someone breaking your laptop and then saying "Oh don't worry, Ill give you a new one, but you have to pay me a lot of money for it" it is just unfair to the people who are losing there homes and farms, some even their business for a simple dam, it is a complete violation of human rights.

1 point

I disagree with your argument mainly because that is not possible, because all the water inside the Ilisu dam is deprived of oxygen, This means that all the minerals required are not reaching the water because of the dam. This area is known as the ecological dead zone because it kills all the fish in the water, and so people will not be able to use the water neither to grow crops and/or eat the food sources inside due to the fact that there will be none.

1 point

Although dams do provide a lot of electricity, they will not last for long, the Ilisu dam that you are talking about here was estimated to survive for a maximum of 50 years as it will eventually break down due to sedimentation. You also stated the dams will give push to economies, when in reality they don't. Dams are very expensive to build, for example the Ilisu dam which was built for $38,000,000 completely destroyed the Turkish economy, leaving them even more in debt than they ever were, putting them going more in debt $900/s, which put Turkey in a bad place.

2 points

Dams should not be built as they destroy homes and destroy economies, they are very expensive to build, and without a stable economy you could lose a lot of money, and lose chances to make a lot of profit. In my research I have found that dams can affect a large amount of people, and leave them without shelter, I also have found that dams are very expensive to build for example the Ilisu dam cost a whopping 38 billion dollars to build, which without stable economies can leave a country in debt, which is never a good sign.

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