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RSS MrButtons

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1 point

Another thing is when that happend the russians were very weak and close to rebellion. later in the Soviet-Japanese territorial wars japan attacked china first and entered the Soviet zone of interest so they attacked until japan surrendered back russia's land and so russia couldnt attack them until between the two atomic bombings and in that time the russians relieved all of japanese controlled china

2 points

one more thing on terrorism do what the russian alfa gruppa does. once when terrorists took over a theater in russia the gassed the enitire place hostages and all which gets them killed but sends out a message saying Hey! that dosent work on us best not mess with us

2 points

Im sorry but there are soooo many mistakes here. I heard US has the most nukes? Russia doubles them with 4,000 (they used to have 44,000) and that US, Japan, and Russia had around 600,000,000 personnel, but none of them have that much population. But if i had to say on who would win, it would be neither. It all depends on Russia and India (from a geographical standpoint). In one on one China already proved they can take on the us without even one tank during the korean war by pushing the us from near the Chinese border to the middle of the country when they both called for a treaty. But if this is a massive war Russia and India will have to enter, and if they choose to side with the US then China will be surrounded and almost tripled in numbers. You all forget, in personnel, Russia is only a few 100 k's away from the US. if they choose to fight against US than they will be on the defense ( Russia might have to defend against the EU ) until the US will lose too many lives and pull out ending the war (The Chinese and its allies will not get very far if the send for a land invasion against the US but a sea war would be inevitable).

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