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RSS Nickgrand

Reward Points:8
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

Its not about fitting race criteria, its about creating a society equal for all races. Our country suppressed African Americans for hundreds of years. Huge damage was done to the race as a hole, by treating them as second class citizens. The second class treatment means the class lines will parallel racial lines to an unacceptable degree. This needs to be corrected with programs like affirmative action.

1 point

The purpose of Government is to ensure freedom. Our government is what gave use freedom and liberty. Our government ensured our freedom of speech which allows us to use sites like these. The government can be used as tool to help the people, not regulate people, that is what liberals believe.

1 point

Everyone deserves a chance to succeed. The chance to succeed is what makes america great. In todays world success is equal to knowledge. America needs strengthen it's educational system so that everyone can get the credentials they need to compete in our ever growing global community. We need to educate more people with better educations, we need educational reform to achieve this, and that is a liberal platform.

1 point

Liberals have lead they way in civil rights, womens rights, privacy rights, and now gay rights. They protect the poor and the elderly with social security, Medicare, and Medicaid and they fight for financial aid and affirmative action programs so that everyone gets the chance at higher education.

1 point

Well, you need a socialist element to regulate economic freedom. That is the purpose of having an element of socialism, to stop the abuse of power and wealth in the marketplace, while still maintaining a competitive marketplace. You need regulation to create safety nets so that the lower class is more willing to take risks. No regulation may mean total economic freedom, but total economic freedom is equal to anarchy in the marketplace.

Also, I think the Creator of the argument did a poor job of wording it, I think they wanted us to essentially debate the merits of socialism and capitalism.

1 point

they work at the expense of their employess. Companies like Pfizer abuse the system and then when they are caught conducting illegal activities and get sued, they create smaller companies to take the law suit.

1 point

the debate can only be interpreted as economic freedom because socialism is primarily an economic ideology. You cant compare socialism to general freedom because freedom applies to more than just the market place.

2 points

He weakend education with no child left behind, he chose to use the clinton administraitions surplus for tax cuts instead of social security reform and he started a war that has cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars. He has made america look like an imperialistic power instead of a champion of liberty that it needs to be.

3 points

The death penalty is a outdated, expensive, immoral, form of punishment. Due to the legal fees and the endless appeal system, the death penalty often costs up to 10 times more than life in prison. Such is the case in Timmothy McVeigh. The state spent 1.3 million dollars to kill him when they could have kept him in prison for the rest of his life for only 130,000 dollars. Additionally, i hold the belif that if it is wrong for an individual to kill, then it is also wrong for the state, which is a representation of the individuals, to kill as well.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: nick deshazer
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States

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