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RSS RachelS226

Reward Points:2
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1 point

It's important for us to learn about U.S. history because we pay some respect for the people who died for our freedom. We also learn about our history so we can prevent making the same mistake that the people in the past made. Finally, we learn about how the country had changed and evolved over the years

1 point

Students should be handled differently by gender, disability, and age, but not with race.

There are misconducts with male and female students, but they have a difference that the security guard should take note of. Males have more upper body strength than females, meaning they would attack harder when they are pulled off of the student that they were attacking. The guard should be prepared for the attacks a male student would use to try and get away from the security guard.

Age is important to keep in mind when handling a disruptive student. A student in the upper grades would fight back if grabbed by a guard, so the guard needs to keep that in mind. If they have to deal with a 1st grader or a primary grade student, they shouldn’t hit back at the child if he/she lashes out at them. A primary grade student would most likely attempt to run around the school and break free from the guard. They may occasionally hit the guard’s hand, but that doesn’t mean the guard hits back. Hitting back will only make the child act worse.

Several schools have different races, and races shouldn’t be a thing that should judge how to handle a student. Several stories in the media show a police officer that responds to blacks who commit a crime with violence, but never get charged. Some parents could worry about their child being treated differently than other students because of their race, and could sue the guard. To prevent the guard from being sued, the guard should not be biased about the race of a student

Disability is something beyond the school’s control, and possibly beyond the student’s control. Just because a student has a disability doesn’t mean that they should be handled differently in a violent way. Suppose the student can’t hear, and a guard asks them a question and the student answers, ‘’What?’’, the student shouldn’t have to deal with the sentence, ‘’Don’t ‘What’ me, you heard me!” They should instead try and have the student answer the question a different way.

Student gender, age, and disability should be considered when handling a disruptive student because the guard needs to know what to be prepared for when escorting them and how to communicate with them. The race of the student is not a factor that they should consider because the student is disruptive, and shouldn’t be handled differently because they are black or another race. Because I see that the guards do this without beating the children, I say that they are just doing their jobs.

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