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RSS Razo

Reward Points:1
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1 point

More either naive or armchair experts talking about LSD. I did all drugs to excess way back in the 1970s, and believe LSD to be the most dangerous drug there is. All drugs include Heroin, Morphine, Opium, Barbiturates, LSD, Speed, Ganja, etc. Somebody talked about the benefits and BS, but they are the ones who are naive with the BS. You get people talking about it who have either never done it, or just taken a tiny dose a few times and are naive. When I first started taking acid I wondered what all the fuss was about, and I thought the horror stories were BS. I started taking greater and greated doses, until one day it took me apart. I have never been the same since and have suffered from HPPD from that point. On this trip I tried to kill myself and ended up going crazy, and had to be hospitalised, Had to be filled with goodness knows what and strapped down. Had flashbacks from that point, and HPPD to this day. Also had numerous breakdowns related to this, and mental problems to this day. Don't talk to me about how safe acid is end the BS connected with it. Those people are the ones full of BS. I would say however (and this is NOT BS), that the amount of LSD in doses in those days was many times over what it has been since. Check that out if you want. I HAVE HEARD SO MUCH CRAP ABOUT HOW HARMLESS LSD IS FROM PEOPLE TALKING OUT OF THEIR ARSE. One thing that dimwits do not take account of too is the amount of use. Duuuuuuuur ! Alcohol is more dangerous my arse, never heard anything so stupid in my life. Still like a pint now, but you can keep the nasty stuff !

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