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RSS Rosiecb

Reward Points:4
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1 point


My current understanding is that when students do "struggle with math when watching a video" that the teacher would become aware and most likly take time to sit down with them one on one to clarify the process. When this occurs, it is only the one student who is affected. More advanced students are not required to slow down their learning based on the few who need extra time.

Rosiecb(4) Clarified
2 points


Another teacher at my school has actually done something about this. She uses the flipped classroom model, but alters it to where students do the online portion in class. I've never sat in or her class, but I be live students get their list of assignments/lessons for the unit and use the classroom laptops to get started. The teacher pulls certain students for extra help when needed. No work is required at home. She just implemented last semester so I'm unsure of the effects, but it was an interesting idea.

Rose Brown

1 point


I do agree that the learning curve is a potential barrier in using the flipped classroom. However, I wonder if its responsible not to do something that has long term benefits just because it will be difficult in the short term?

Even if the learning curve takes a month, students can use those new skills throughout the rest of their school career and beyond. For example, if a student struggled with their first flipped classroom in middle school, that struggle will most like be gone by the time they enter high school and beyond.

It would be difficult to execute in the beginning; however, should that negate all the long-term benefits.

Rose Brown

1 point

When teachers and students are sufficiently trained, prepared, and given adequate resources/time, flipped classrooms are great ways to differentiate instruction to students of all levels. Flipped classrooms allow students to learn and review content at their own pace.

In a traditional classroom, a student who struggles with a topic will get left behind to fail. As many subjects, such as math, build upon concepts in ways that require mastery of the lower concepts; those students who struggle with the lower level concepts will fall behind for the entire year. If these students don't understand step 2, they will not be able to understand step 6. This student will feel discouraged and frustrated as the classes moves on, while they still don't understand the topic. In a flipped classroom, this student would not fall behind. Instead, this student would continue to work on step 2 (with teacher help if needed) before moving onto the next steps.

While not all schools have the resources, time, and training to effectively implement the flipped classroom; in an ideal world the flipped classroom would be preferable to the traditional classroom.

Rose Brown ED.893.945.9B.SU18

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