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RSS RubyKristina

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Wasn't it A Monster can that some guy found a rat in? That alone makes it pretty satanic to me!

2 points

There are a few slight hitches in this debate. For one, what do you define as evil? Is there a scale of one to ten on how evil you are? Is one stealing someone's lunch money and ten mass murder? Also suffering. Suffering can not be defined by any one thing. Someone could be suffering from starvation, or a deadly disease. This is largely different from suffering the loss of a loved one. For this matter, I would say no. Because who defines what is evil and what is suffering? If all of the evil was taken away, would that mean the entire human race is gone, because I'm sure everyone has done something sometime which is considered to be evil. And sometimes I think suffering is important, it shapes us into who we are. If we never suffered, we would go through life completely bubble-wrapped and never have any experience or personality. So I say no, because what defines evil and I think we need a certain degree of suffering in our lives, it makes us who we are.

1 point

I am obviously the biggest troll here, I will troll you all

1 point

I really don't see how this is related to the current argument? And also it is quite wrong in my eyes. Would you rather get to enjoy your life while you have it, or never even be born at all? Would you rather never get to meet anyone who makes you happy or meet people and make them happy too?

1 point

I would definitely read it. Then I could change myself according some of the repeated things said about me. This would make me a better person, I would have better relationships with my peers and an overall better experience in life.

1 point

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security- Declaration of Independence,1776

This was written years ago, but that does not change the fact that if we are able to help someone, it is our responsibility to help them. If it is going to harm you more than they are, or if it will harm you without doing them much good, that is a different matter. But if you have the ability to help someone, then I believe it is up to you to help them the best you possibly can.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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