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Reward Points:2
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1 point

Given the aggression and arrogance of those in control in addition to their status as a major world power, China would not resort to guerilla tactics; they would engage the enemy forces directly. This would be to the US's advantage, as finding and engaging enemies intermingled with a civilian population --as they have done during their most recent guerilla wars-- makes it much harder to flex the real airborne muscle. Rather than patrolling on the ground, air to air and air to surface engagements will be most significant. Although the strength of a nation's ground forces can never be ignored, modern warfare will depend on air superiority. Because of this, a militia formed by china's enormous population, often considered to be one of there greatest assets, would not be as formidable as expected. Relatively poor equipment like old soviet rpgs will not have any impact on the US's ability to dominate the skies, no matter where the field of battle ends up. The US has much more advanced aircraft and airborne weapons systems and in greater numbers; they have spent several times more on defense spending and weapons development than any other county on the planet. With the devastating effectiveness of today's weaponry, I think having a more technologically focused army is far more valuable than having an impressively large militia. This is not to say that china lacks an organized, professional fighting force, as they do not. However, the vast Chinese population is one of few areas in which China clearly trumps the United States and other western powers. For these reasons, a war between china and my chosen opposition, the United States, would be devastating for both sides. But, assuming that nuclear war doesn't commence and screw us all, A US victory is much more probable.

1 point

maomao76: China does not have the resources to do what you said. Old fashioned conquest by an organized militia army, as you described, would be extremely ineffective. Modern warfare depends on air superiority. Old soviet rpg's will not have any impact on the US's ability to dominate the skies, no matter where the field of battle ends up. Given the aggression and arrogance of those in control in addition to their status as a major world power, China would not resort to guerilla tactics; they would engage the enemy forces directly. This would be to the US's advantage, as finding and engaging enemies intermingled with a civilian population --as they have done during their most recent guerilla wars-- makes it much harder to flex the real airborne muscle. Rather than patrolling on the ground, air to air and air to surface engagements will be most significant. No large assembly of Chinese forces or strategic point can be fully protected in this scenario. The US has much more advanced aircraft and airborne weapons systems and in greater numbers; they have spent several times more on defense spending and weapons development than any other county on the planet. With the devastating effectiveness of today's weaponry, I think having a more technologically focused army is far more valuable than having an impressively large militia. For these reasons, a war between china and my chosen opposition, the United States, would be devastating for both sides but assuming that nuclear war doesn't commence and screw us all, A US victory is much more probable.

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