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RSS Shawry_99

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
Shawry_99(5) Clarified
1 point

why is it thanks to 'lefties' the removal of pesticides was to make sure it's not ingested by humans. just because people want safer to eat organic food doesn't make them 'lefties' just because you want better health in this case a very personal concern 'right wing'. I don't know much about mosquitos and malaria but I know its not caused by 'lefties' and actually this argument is not that political at all.

1 point

I don't believe in Escorts and believe women shouldn't have to degrade themselves through such work. However with things such as denial and the wanting to please the other no longer in the picture those pressures allow the individual to feel better as they haven't failed and will often enjoy the act more due to the know how of the escort. so yeah confidence would be greater at least you would imagine.

Shawry_99(5) Clarified
1 point

minimum rate is often based on the cost of rent, food prices, petrol etc. therefore allowing workers to live rather than survive yet still often doesn't cover health insurance etc.

1 point

Farm workers would refuse to work if they were given less than the minimum wage as they wouldn't survive causing a shortage in food then we all suffer food prices are hiked up farms loose money as crops die etc.. Cleaners given less than minimum wage in big cities causes them to not be able to survive on what they earn therefore they leave creating dirty working environments impacting health and putting of customers hurting the business more than what they'd pay the cleaners. these are just naming 2 professions of hundred who despite 'contribute nothing' are often the foundations to our nations

1 point

Communism is based on the collectivism of all within in it and therefore instead of individual goals it's achieving success together in the belief that like within a football team it's about working together in order to share the ending success and although people may receive more praise they don't receive more 'trophy's'.

As well if the state provides everything it creates greater leisure time for individuals to spend with their family and friends or in self betterment. As how often in a capitalist society have fathers worked from before the kids wake to after they go to bed or working 2/3 job's to make the bills.

Communism if done right creates a healthier society in the terms both socially and mentally. It should mean Less crime would be committed as you have what you need. Better social and family relations are created. Decrease in mental health. Just to name a few.

The common misconception is that one 'dictator' would abuse their power however through having still a democratic government electing such MP's to evaluate what needs to be done in which no one takes charge allows there to be a fair system.

It's worked for many years often however in a smaller scale such as tribes, aborigines, native Americans. Despite with a 'chief' as such they receive no more than the rest of there partners.

Would it work for America or any large countries. Not instantly, no, but if it were to move more and more socialist every year then maybe in 50/60/70 years time it would be possible. However Communism in todays society is more of an ideology with our world now so unequal.

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