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RSS Sloth

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
Sloth(2) Clarified
1 point

Their words were clearly generalizing black people. They would benefit greatly from reevaluating the way they are writing their thoughts because as of now they are ill-defined and offensive. Three socioeconomic reasons are vaguely given. There is no evidence or reasoning behind his ideas. How is anyone supposed to know that they are not insinuating this about all black people if they do not clearly state it? I am only going to interpret their words and arguments to the best of my ability, and until they are made more specific I will continue to see it as the poor overgeneralization that it is.

0 points

My understanding of what you have said, WinstonC, is that you believe all black people are raised without fathers, resulting in increased violence. I agree with you that poverty and culture are important factors in the way a person is raised, and I sincerely hope that your inclusion of "fatherlessness" was just a poorly played joke on a racial stereotype. In response to FactMachine, I can see how you would believe that one bad thing leads to another, but I believe a clear logical fallacy was committed in your argument. My interpretation of your argument is that black people are poor, and being poor leads to lack of intelligence, and that lack of intelligence leads to an unreasonable need to commit crimes to maintain their poor lifestyle. Unfortunately the facts you are listing have been scientifically proven false (click the link) and fail to prove that black people are more violent than white people. Individuals are more violent than others, regardless of skin color. Black people are not more violent than white people.

Supporting Evidence: Testosterone Differences (
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